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I Have a Right To...

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:30 am
by Ashleah
So often when we talk about relationships we focus on the negative (warning signs, red lights, etc.). While we are aware of all the bad things we can forget to focus on the good. Knowing what a healthy relationship looks and feels like is just as important as being able to recognize the bad.

Having your "rights" acknowledged and respected is an important part of a healthy relationship. Essentially, what do you deserve? How should you be treated? What are your needs (that don't violate the rights of another person)? Unfortunately, sometimes we don't know what rights we want and should have but when a person starts to violate them, the relationship has moved into dangerous territory! So it is important to explore your rights!!!!

What are your rights?

Mine are listed here.

I have a right to...

-Be able to say "no" without being made to feel guilty
-Have alone time
-Be in a relationship free of manipulation
-Express my feelings, even when I'm upset (in a respectful way)
-Take time to figure things out