Am I a “hypochondriac”

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Am I a “hypochondriac”

Unread post by Kasi »

Recently I was talking to one of my friends about how I think I could be pregnant because I preformed oral sex on a guy who might’ve had precum and then we made out and then we went down on me.
This is not the first time I’ve freaked out, she proceeded to say I’m a “hypochondriac” but I feel as if it’s okay to stress about the certain things, just not be over the top about it, she said I was fine and there was no way that could possibly happen and haven’t really though about the situation since, but the word just came to mind and I’ve been thinking on if she’s actually right?
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Re: Am I a “hypochondriac”

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Kasi, welcome to the boards!

You're right, stress isn't inherently bad — it can be rational to worry sometimes, and within limits, this can help us stay safe. In this case, I think your friend is right about one thing: there is no risk of pregnancy from the situation you described. Sperm simply can't survive being transferred around that many times, and pre-cum doesn't tend to have sperm anyway.

Your friend may have been using the word 'hypochondriac' hyperbolically. The term can refer to a mental health condition where people experience a great deal of anxiety and distress about their health, and they don't feel better even when they have evidence that they are alright. But it is very common for people to feel anxious about pregnancy, even when they don't have this condition.

It sounds like you've worried about pregnancy risk before. We have a lot of resources on pregnancy risk and managing fear about pregnancy — would you like to read them? In my experience, feeling confident in your knowledge of what can cause pregnancy can go a long way towards helping with this kind of anxiety.
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Re: Am I a “hypochondriac”

Unread post by Kasi »

Hi! And yes, I would love to read them! I’m trying to relax and calm down, but I just keep thinking I am, and it’s scaring me!😓
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Re: Am I a “hypochondriac”

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Of course; here are some articles/resources for you to browse that will hopefully help you and your anxiety!

Pregnancy Scared?

Chicken Soup for the Pregnancy Symptom Freakout's Soul

You're Not Pregnant, Why Do You Think You Are?
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