Less period blood this month

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Less period blood this month

Unread post by sparklingstar »

So, during my period for this month, I realized that there are a bit less blood coming out than usual. However, the colors still look kinda normal (pink or red-ish) and it does get a bit much during the third and forth day, but not as much as my normal amount. I just wanna make sure that, is this normal? I am feeling pretty stressed out this month because of finals. I've also never had sex with anyone in my entire life.
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Re: Less period blood this month

Unread post by sparklingstar »

Oh, and I just wanna add another info: My period this month also lasted a bit longer than usual. Normally, it was around 6 days for it to completely end, but this time it took about 8 days for every bit of blood to disappear.
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Re: Less period blood this month

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Sparklingstar,

I wouldn't worry just yet. Some degree of variation is normal with periods, so periods that have less flow than usual or last a little longer will happen from time to time.
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