I cant tell if my smell is normal down there?

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I cant tell if my smell is normal down there?

Unread post by emmeline »

So basically, I have a sort of tuna/fish ish smell down there and I know it's gross but it's always sort of been there and it changes when I eat strong foods like garlic and it will smell garlicky. I don't think it's BV? I don't have any other symptoms but I'm not really educated on the symptoms. I wouldn't describe it as a rotting fish to be honest but no-one really wants their puss smelling like a tuna. Or garlic. It's not a bad smell I'd say(or I'm just desensitised to it) but it makes me worry.

I go into a Google frenzy every once in a while trying to diagnose myself which doesn't help. I'm also wondering if it could just be hormonal and puberty related? I'm fifteen.

I reaaallly hope it's not always like this cause it'll be very awkward during sex when I get older. Please help!!

Also massive thanks you all of you because this is such a great service and I'm SO GLAD I found it ❣️❣️ big love
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Re: I cant tell if my smell is normal down there?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Emmeline

Everyone's genitals have some kind of scent or odor — this isn't gross, and won't inherently make sex with another person awkward or bad. Your sweat glands do become more active during puberty, so that could be causing this scent. You could also just be noticing it more because it is coming from you, and you might not have much experience with how other people's genitals smell.

It isn't a bad idea to follow up if the scent feels particularly strong. There are things you can do on your own to manage this, like staying hydrated, avoiding scented products, avoiding douching, and wearing breathable clothing. You could also visit a gynaecologist. A doctor will be able to examine you in person to confirm that there is no imbalance that is causing the scent.
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Re: I cant tell if my smell is normal down there?

Unread post by emmeline »

Yeah I was thinking about the puberty thing - I have been a pretty bad sweater for a couple of years so that could well be it.

Thank you !
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Re: I cant tell if my smell is normal down there?

Unread post by Latha »

Glad to help — let us know if you have any other questions!
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