Hey there Imjsagirl, and welcome to the boards
I hear you that you’re still getting familiar with your anatomy while you masturbate. Before launching into masturbation and pleasure, I want to send you this article we have on our website on sexual anatomy,
With Pleasure: A Whole View Of Sexual Anatomy for Every Body. This article can help orient you to the parts you might interact with when you masturbate, including the clitoris.
This article might be helpful for anatomy, too.
masturbation! I hear you that, while you can feel some pleasure with the shower head, it is short-lasting. I want to say first, it’s okay if masturbation isn’t immediately mind-blowing. It can certainly take time and some pleasure-driven exploration to figure out what feels the best for you. You’re also not alone in the feeling like something’s wrong when it doesn’t feel amazing — we get questions of this nature often and you’re not alone, but truly there’s not a “wrong” way to masturbate. Folks masturbate in a variety of ways, engaging different parts of their anatomy in different ways. But when it doesn’t feel good, that can be a feeling for you to listen to so you can guide yourself towards the touches that do feel good. Know what I mean?
In terms of how to do it “correctly,” there’s
not one specific way, because there’s so many ways that folks masturbate. That does present ample opportunity for you to explore, though! I think a great way to find out what sort of touches feel good for you is to continue trying different types of touches and follow what feels good. For example, you mentioned using your shower head — one possible way of exploring could be adjusting the angle, intensity, or water temperature (within a safe range). Equally important as trying things differently, though, is to “set the scene,” making sure you feel safe, comfortable, relaxed, aroused, and lubricated before you start masturbating, and to approach masturbation without expectation of orgasm. How does that all sound to you to start?