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How to approach masturbation with my parents?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:02 am
by myrixx
Hi, I’ve never previously talked to my parents about Masturbationen, and I’ve never heard how they feel about it, so Ive got no clue if they would be horrified or not if I asked for help.
For context, I would like to buy a sex toy, and one that might be somewhat disturbing to them (a horse dildo). Start to finish, how would I approach this topic? I don’t want to make my own, as many of the required materials I couldn’t get without raising attention. What’s more, I’ve put immense effort into leaving no evidence of my „activities“ which might further worsen the shock. If there’s no good way to talk to them about it, how could I buy a toy digitally without their knowledge? I know there’s a lot to unpack sorry, any help is appreciated!

Re: How to approach masturbation with my parents?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:39 am
by Latha
Hi Myrixx, welcome to the boards!

To start, why not try having a more theoretical conversation with your parents about sex/masturbation? This might make the process of buying a toy a little slower, but you'll be able to manage these conversations better if you go into them knowing where your parents stand. The thought of having these conversations can feel a bit awkward and scary, but it is quite possible that your parents won't be all that surprised if they find out that you are interested in sex/masturbation — it is a pretty common development at your age.

The next step may be to consider how much you want to tell them. It isn't necessarily wrong to tell your parents specifics about, for example, the kind of sex toy that you want. Whether you do should depend on the kind of relationship you have with them and your needs around privacy. If your parents were to give you a budget and let you order the toy on your own, you would not need to share this information with them.

We often advise starting small when exploring insertive sex, and working up to bigger things to avoid injury. If I may ask, do you have a specific model/size in mind for this dildo?