Making space for pleasure of all kinds!

When you want support through something scary or rough, and help pulling yourself together and getting through, this is the place.
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Users often report that they have no in-person peers they can talk to or seek support from: we want this to be a space for online peer support and somewhere everyone can get some practice asking for, getting and giving support so that doing it with people in your lives feels more doable.

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Making space for pleasure of all kinds!

Unread post by Anya »

Hi friends,

There are a lot of scary and stressful things going on in the world right now so I wanted to create a post dedicated to sharing things that are bringing people pleasure and happy feelings right now.

Pleasure often comes secondary to our busy lives, especially when living in unpredictable political environments. So when things get hard, I find for me it's the MOST important time to remember the little things i'm grateful for that bring joy on a daily basis. There is still so much good in the world, sometimes it's just harder to see.

Here's a list of things that have brought me joy and pleasure the last few days:
  • making art for my loved ones
  • feeling the warm sun on my skin when its cold outside
  • watching my plants grow big and beautiful
  • soft clean bedsheets
  • when my friends watch the funny videos I send them
  • the taste of really good chai
  • spending time with my dog
  • making other queer friends
Now I want to hear about YOUR recent joys and special moments so please drop your own lists or stories down below <3
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Re: Making space for pleasure of all kinds!

Unread post by Lydia0001 »

I love how this thread’s all about finding little moments of joy when everything else feels off. Honestly, those small things are the ones that make life bearable sometimes. Like, for me, I’m always happy when I’m sitting with a coffee, looking out the window while it’s raining, it's just calming, you know? And fresh-baked bread? It’s like instant comfort. Or when you’re hanging out with friends, laughing at something dumb and you forget the world exists for a minute. It’s those moments, the little things, that really make a difference.
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: Making space for pleasure of all kinds!

Unread post by Jacob »

I also love this.

I think in terms of physical sensation temperature can be a factor for me: I can find cool surfaces really grounding, also there's this really nice feeling I get when I've had a hot bath and then a cool shower. Speaking of which getting in water feels awesome altogether! Doing so in nature is extra awesome (so long as it's reasonably safe).
"In between two tall mountains there's a place they call lonesome.
Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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