Is it a pregnancy risk?

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Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Sandrah »

So the other day I had penetrative sex for the first time, we used a condom and he didn't come while he was inside of me. The thing is that while he was coming (inside the condom) I was sat on top of him, I'm worrying that a little bit of sperm got out of the base and came in contact with my vagina. After we checked for tears or signs of breakage on the condom and everything seemed fine, the semen was in the condom and wasn't leaking, also it seemed to fit him fine. Also I was on the 7th day of my cycle and it never lasts less than 28-30 days, it could last more but not less. On that day I felt even safer because my period had just ended and I was pretty sure I wasn't close to ovulating but now I'm starting to having second thoughts and anxiety. I just want to ask if I should really worry :(
Last edited by Sandrah on Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Sandrah »

Also the condom wasn't expired and I checked multiple times that it fit properly and that it didn't slip off during and that it didn't visibly break
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Andy »

Hi there Sandrah,

I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing anxiety about this again. When used properly, which sounds like you absolutely did, condoms are really effective in preventing pregnancy and another nice thing about them is that it is quite noticeable when something goes wrong, like when it breaks or slips off and the sperm leaks out. So given the condom fit him and therefore there was no direct contact between the sperm and your vagina, there is no pregnancy risk in this situation. Does that help?

I also remember we talked about getting additional method of birth control or not doing activities that cause you anxiety as ways of managing it. Have you been able to make any steps regarding this?
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Sandrah »

As for other methods of birth control like hormonal I don't think I would feel conmfortable taking It for the time being... I would like to know if adding withdrawal and choosing a not fertile window was a good idea and further reduces the risk. If my cycle is more or less regular and never very short the 6th-7th day of my cycle shouldn't be a dangerous time right? Also I've been trying to monitor my ovulation the past few months and currently I'm not noticing the usual signs. Obviously I would always use condoms consistently and carefully
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Andy »

Adding one or even two methods like these can definitely lower the, already really low risk when using condoms, even more! You will find more about that here: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

As there was no risk to the situation you described in the first place, where you were in your cycle doesn’t play a role here. But as you already seem to know, while monitoring your cycle and predicting times when you are more likely to get pregnant can be helpful, it is better to not have it as the only method since ovulation and periods can be really variable.
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Sandrah »

I think the main thing that's giving me anxiety is the fact that when I got off of him (after he ejaculated in the condom but outside of me) I noticed some liquid on him but I don't know if that was from me or if it leaked from the condom. I'm worried about that liquid touching my vagina, I'm sorry for insisting but I want to be really sure I don't need to take further action like emergency contraception
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Andy »

From our interactions with users we know that when someone gets stuck in an anxiety loop like this, that providing them the reassurance they ask for over and over is making it harder, not easier, to manage that anxiety.

You should be able to find the answer to your question earlier in this thread as what you added doesn’t change anything about the situation. I would also like to ask you to go through this amazing resource we have where you will find a lot more information and help: The Pregnancy Panic Companion
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Sandrah »

I understand, I was just adding one more detail but since you say that this doesn't change anything and it wasn't a risk I won't act upon it and just try to make peace with it. Thank you
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Re: Is it a pregnancy risk?

Unread post by Andy »

You are welcome!
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