Yuzpe and fertility timing

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Yuzpe and fertility timing

Unread post by tristanitee »

Hi, i would like to ask a question generally about emergency contraceprives. Last night we did the deed and unfortunately the contents slipped from the base and worried this might be a cause of pregnancy, however before taking plan b, we remembered that her period is coming in about 3 days, can we skip the pill because of this?
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Re: Yuzpe and fertility timing

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi tristanitee,

I'd leave the decision of whether or not to take medication up to your girlfriend, and refer her first to the instructions on the medication.

You are right that if her period comes in the next few days the likelihood of pregnancy would be low. It's the week leading up to ovulation (usually occurring around the midpoint between two periods) when having sex can lead to pregnancy, as that's how long sperm can generally survive inside the body until ovulation occurs. However menstrual cycles can vary, ovulation can come early, or late, and periods can be missed, and so we cannot ever be 100% certain what our fertility status actually is.

Also as a "tip" - in the future when using a condom, I'd recommend pinching the top when you put it on so there is enough space for the sperm to go without being forced out of the base!
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Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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