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Unread post by Sunshinee »

So I had unprotected sex thanksgiving day, we made sure that he finished doing a diff activity (oral) so nothing actually got inside me. I got my period on 12/5, got hospitalized for DKA on 12/6 and my period was light. I've been constipated since the hospitalization. I got my period 1/5 and it was heavy (my periods are usually very heavy), I talked to my doc and she told me to drink magnesium and it helped a little but not much. I was so stressed and worried I took a test 1/22 and it was negative. I took another test 1/23 first thing in the morning and it was also negative. I'm still struggling with the constipation till today and I'm supposed to get my period 2/7. Am I just overthinking this? It's driving me crazy and even after the test I felt better but seeing how my stomach is bloated and I can't poop I'm stressing. I took another test today 2/1 and it came back negative as well. I have a doc appointment to see why I’m going through it like this. Three tests confirmed negative. So am I just overthinking and stressing? i know that i get very very anxious and it activates my flight or fight mode like i get nauseous, cold, shaky, unable to eat.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by KierC »

Hi Sunshinee, and welcome to the boards!

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling really stressed about pregnancy risk from unprotected sex. Since you got your period twice regularly after the risk, and have had several negative pregnancy tests, you can be sure that you are not pregnant. I think going to the doctor and getting a test there as well might be helpful to have a definitive answer from a healthcare professional if you are still anxious; that can certainly be a helpful step to take. I also want to send you to our pregnancy scare resource, You’re Not Pregnant. Why Do You Think You Are?.

I hear you that you’re feeling really stressed about this. To help alleviate this as a concern going forward, a great way to minimize pregnancy risk is to use a barrier method or other method of birth control. You can read more about those here:

1. Birth Control Bingo, our series on all options of birth control to explore!
2. All The Barriers! All The Time!, where you can learn more about condoms, how to shop for them and how to use them correctly.
3. How Not To Get Pregnant: Five Things You Can Do To Most Effectively Prevent Pregnancy: An excellent article by founder Heather on how to best make sure that if you don’t want to get pregnant, you can prevent it <3
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

Hello, thank you so much for getting back to me. Yes I’m trying to tell myself that I’m fine and that there’s nothing but my stomach being bloated and not have a BM is throwing me off so bad. It’s to the point where my ketones go up just from the stress and that can send me to the hospital. I just need to keep myself calm because the anxiety and stress is really affecting me and my health.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by AarijA »

Hey Sunshinee,
Totally understandable to be feeling this way when your body isn't functioning the way you want it to! KierC addressed your pregnancy concerns well and I'm glad you're planning to visit the doctor for some extra reassurance. The constipation seems to be a large source of the stress you're feeling. I would encourage you to bring this up with your doctor again, as the issue seems to be ongoing.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

Hello! Yes I was also negative at the doc but he only did a urine test which I thought he would do a blood test but he didn’t. I got an xray and was told that I have ibs and I have gas and backed up bowel and was prescribed linzess (linaclotide) so hopefully it helps
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Sunshinee!

Were these tests for pregnancy? If they were, I bet the doctor did a urine test because they are more convenient than blood tests in certain ways — they are cheaper, and the results come faster. They are not less reliable than blood tests, so you can trust the negative result. I hope you'll feel better soon!
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

The urine was for pregnancy and ketones bc I’m type 1 diabetic, but yeah he did a urine test and it came back negative. I took a test before going to the appointment and it was also negative. I think my anxiety and stress really affected my whole body bc after I got the doc feedback I got some what if an appetite back, i actually had a BM (it was hard to pass but it still did), I’m now suffering of gas pains all over my body and can feel it in my back and right now at 4-5am I started to feel sharp jabs on my left breast so I’m not sure if it’s bc my period is in 5 days or if it’s something else. But I’m just waiting for my period to come and for the bloating and constipation to go away so I can have my normal stomach back😭😭this is so exhausting
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hey Sunshinee,

I hear you, that definitely sounds exhausting and I'm sorry that you're struggling through it! Doing the math, if the time you're concerned about becoming pregnant was Thanksgiving, you definitely would have enough 'pregnancy' hormone to show up on the tests at this point. Faint lines show up even 8 days post-impregnation, so considering it's been months and you've taken multiple tests (including one at the doctor!) I think it's safe to say you are not pregnant. Anxiety and stress have a HUGE impact on the body so hopefully now that you've been to the doctor you can start feeling better, even if it hasn't all cleared up immediately!
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

Yes after thanksgiving I got my period but it was so light and then after I got out of the hospital it got heavier. And then I got my period in January and it was normal heavy and yeah the tests all came back negative thankfully I just kinda hoped he did a blood test too. I thought he was. Also I’m pretty sure that if I got an xray now and I was preg it would show since it’s been two months right? The doc didn’t even explain what ibs is and what things are normal to feel and the symptoms. I’m currently feeling like I’m full of gas and I’m nauseous even tho I already drank water and ate and I’m moving around cleaning. I just want things to be good so I can relax. I graduated college in Dec and ever since then I haven’t been relaxed at all
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

An xray wouldn't show a pregnancy at 2 months, but an ultrasound would (though the fetus would be more of a blob in any imaging than anything). IBS is Irritable Bowel Syndrome and it's pretty common! The symptoms you describe (bloating, gas, nausea, constipation) are typical for this condition.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

Oh I thought it would something at least but that’s fine. All 4 tests came back negative and the one at the docs also came back negative so I’m good. I’m just waiting for my period now and I should get it later this week. Yeah I read that and unfortunately the doctor didn’t really explain it to me or what is normal to feel
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Andy »

Hi Sunshinee,

first of all, I’m really sorry to hear that your doctor didn’t give you any information about your diagnosis, that can be really frustrating and scary. If you have more questions or concerns about it, you can always contact them and ask. Education patients about their condition should be an essential part of their job just as treating them is.

I’m also sorry that looking at your other post it sounds like you still have anxiety about pregnancy. It seems to me that it could be helpful for you to get some good reliable information about how pregnancy can and cannot occur so you feel more secure deciding for yourself what activities pose a risk and which you want and don’t want to do. Here is a good starting place: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide. And all the other articles we shared with you so far could be helpful as well. You can read through it and then come back and we can talk about any questions you might have, about how to move forward with your anxiety or how to access any form of birth control. How does that sound?
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

Hello! Yeah it sucked that I didn’t get any information about it. I knew what it was but still as a doc u should explain it.

I’m feeling a lot better now after the doc visit. The only thing is I want to start the meds but he prescribed me some that cost $600 even with insurance so now I’m waiting for him to give me an alternative.

I’m not that concerned about it as much but in my other post, I was trying to get some information bc I’ve read ppl say that they’ve gotten preg from the cum that’s on their thighs and stuff but i know that it has to go in you so i wanted to see what the probability was of that.

I got off birth control(for my periods) a year ago bc it was really affecting me and i was never sexually (actual intercourse) active until thanksgiving and today was more oral and he came on my chest and it dripped down so that’s why I also asked the question which is a stupid question but I wanted to ask lol
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Andy »

Glad to hear you are feeling better! And fingers crossed they can find you a more affordable alternative!

Let us know if you have any more questions or if there is something else we can do for you.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

Hello, so it’s now Feb 18, I got a blood test done on Saturday 2/15 and it was negative. So after 6 urine test (one done in clinic) and 1 blood test and it’s been a few months, I should be all good right? I don’t have to worry about it anymore? I am still have bloating and somewhat constipation but that’s it and I’m getting that checked out by a gastro but I just wanted some reassurance that I’m ok now. Bc if it’s been this long it would show in the blood test correct?
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by AarijA »

Hey Sunshinee,
Yes, you do not have anything to worry about, there's no chance that you are pregnant, it definitely would have shown up on the tests you've had done.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by Sunshinee »

You thinks so? This has all been so much for me and I’ve been so stressed about it. So I should be good by now. I don’t need to worry about anything since the blood test came back negative bc it’s almost 3/4 months now and it would have shown especially with the blood test right? I’m sorry if I’m being difficult or annoying but yall have helped so much.
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Re: Pregnancy

Unread post by AarijA »

yes, you are all good!

If you are still feeling stressed/ anxious about this, we can talk about ways to mitigate that. First, I want to ask if you read any of the articles we shared with you earlier? Specifically, I'd like you to read this one,

You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You Think You Are?

See what sticks with you from this piece and we can use that to work on the anxiety you're feeling
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