Can you use Durex Sensi-Thin condoms as a 13 year old?

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Can you use Durex Sensi-Thin condoms as a 13 year old?

Unread post by Angelz »


I wanted to know that, if you’re 13, are Durex Sensi-Thins safe? I searched everywhere but they just told me they were legal to buy. Also, I’d like to know which lube I could buy with it, because I know some work with condoms, and some don’t.
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Re: Can you use Durex Sensi-Thin condoms as a 13 year old?

Unread post by HannahP »

Hi Angelz!

Condoms are safe for anyone at any age with one important exception — if you're allergic to latex, it wouldn't be safe for you to use a latex condom like the Durex ones.

I think that this article might be helpful for you: Your Map to the Condom Aisle. It goes through a ton of different types and brands of condoms, plus it has lube suggestions too. For lube, the short version is that you'll want to look for a latex safe option. Usually water and silicone based lubricants are safe to use with condoms and oil based ones aren't, but most lubes will tell you if they are safe to use with condoms in the instructions.
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Re: Can you use Durex Sensi-Thin condoms as a 13 year old?

Unread post by Angelz »

Hello Hannah!

Thank you for your answer, but I just wanted to know one last thing. I didn’t find it in the article so is XY a good lube? I believe it is made to be safe with condoms.
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Re: Can you use Durex Sensi-Thin condoms as a 13 year old?

Unread post by HannahP »

It's hard to say what would be a good lube for any particular person, because different people have different preferences! But this article goes into some of the factors you might want to consider when choosing one. However, like it says, you might have to experiment a bit to figure out what works best for you.

Lube 101: A Slick Little Primer
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