Withdrawal bleeding late?

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Withdrawal bleeding late?

Unread post by Juliaho90 »


I wanted to ask if it’s normal for withdrawal bleed to be late or not have the withdrawal
Bleed at all? I am on Yasmin for 3 years now, today is day 5 of the 7 days break. I usually get it by the 4th day, I had some discharge yesterday that resembled the period blood but that cleared up and nothing else happened.
I still have some cramping but no withdrawal bleed so far. The last time I had sex was on 1 Feb, so I believe it’s still too early to test for pregnancy?

Just want to know what to do at this point. Do I test for pregnancy or just wait a bit more?

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Re: Withdrawal bleeding late?

Unread post by KierC »

Hi there Juliaho90!

It is not uncommon to miss a withdrawal bleed. It is also normal for a withdrawal bleed to be lighter sometimes, so if the discharge looked like it could have some spotting in it, that could be the withdrawal bleed! If you’re concerned about pregnancy risk, though, yes, I would wait at least another week before taking a test.
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