Genital rubbing pregnancy

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Genital rubbing pregnancy

Unread post by Unknown_2201 »

Is pregnancy possible through genital rubbing? By rubbing on the ball sac and shaft of the penis while the head is lifting upwards away from your vaginal opening and when ejaculation does occur my partner blocks the liquid from coming into contact with me by enclosing his penis within his hands or fingers by pinching together his foreskin at the tip to prevent the liquid from spraying or leaking out. My vaginal opening only has contact with either the shaft of the penis or the ball sac. Can this cause pregnancy?
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Re: Genital rubbing pregnancy

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Unknown!

We tend to say that direct genital contact, which is what this is, poses a pregnancy risk. Because there is such a high chance of fluids coming into contact. It sounds like you guys are taking extra steps to make it less likely but I'd say if you continue doing this, the likelihood of something going wrong only increases over time.

Can you access condoms? I'd highly recommend getting some, even if you aren't exploring intercourse, they would give you more freedom to enjoy what you're already doing without the same level of risk/fear!
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Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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