hormonal, horny, and confused

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hormonal, horny, and confused

Unread post by pinkdork »

hello! i've been lurking on scarleteen for the past day after looking for answers on my sexual experiences, and i figured this might be a good place to get help and answers.

to start off, i'm 15 and have recently somewhat developed a libido. i've always been hormonal since hitting puberty, but lately i've switched into "horny teenager" mode and haven't been sure what to do.

i've touched myself mildly in the past, but now i've begun trying to masturbate. i've tried clitoral stimulation and its gotten me to 2 different places - rubbing & trying to find some sort of sweet spot and ending up getting absolutely no where, or finding a sort of stimulating spot that i rub for a bit til i become overstimulated and sore, ultimately getting no where and still "pent up".

i've never been taught anything to do with sex besides the talk of "this is how babies are made", and beyond that is all my own research. i've read & watched other people masturbate and tried to use what techniques and such they've done, but it just hasn't done anything for me.

besides trying clitoral stimulation, i've used a finger for penetration and just didn't find any pleasure in it (though tbf, i didn't hit a g-spot or anything so idk).

another thing to add is i've been aroused before masturbating, but it kinda just fades off as i try to get somewhere close to pleasure. i think part of that may be that i don't really feel comfortable being naked - i never have been. i'm not sure if that's anything but who knows? sex is weird.

but anyway, if anyone has perhaps any advice or words of support or something, it'd be appreciated. i don't have anyone i can comfortably talk to about this and i just feel stuck on this.
~ a confused pink teen :3
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Re: hormonal, horny, and confused

Unread post by Andy »

Hi there pinkdork, and welcome to the boards!

I’m sorry to hear this has been troubling you and that you don’t have anyone in your life you could talk about this with.
First off, I hope it helps to hear that you are by far not the only one struggling with not finding masturbation as pleasurable as you want, a quick look through our boards will get you many other users with similar experiences (and maybe some of it will be helpful for you as well!).

Because there are a lot of things that might be at play here, we usually start by recommending users some of our articles that cover these topics. These might be a good starting place, if you haven’t read them yet:

Sexual Response & Orgasm: A Users Guide
How Do You Masturbate?
Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation

And then we can discuss anything that resonates with you there or any questions you might have!

I also want to note that you are definitely not the only person who hasn’t been enjoying inserting things into the vagina, it is actually true for most of people with them. The existence of the so-called "g-spot" has been long debated over and it is now understood more as a nonspecific place where some people might enjoy stimulation rather than something that everyone with a vagina has.

As for not feeling comfortable being naked, have you tried masturbating with your clothes on? Any feeling of uneasiness or discomfort can certainly make it harder to experience pleasure so eliminating it might certainly help.
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