Trying having sex for the first time

Questions and discussion about contraception, safer sex, STIs, sexual healthcare and other sexual health issues.
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Trying having sex for the first time

Unread post by mika.m »

Hi, I'm just thought about having sex for the first time since I turned 18, but STI really scares me, I really want to experience having sex but I don't know condom is good enough to prevent STI ... And I'm not talking just about penetration, other things like French kiss, sensual acts and more...
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Re: Trying having sex for the first time

Unread post by Andy »

Hi mika.m!

With condoms, as well as with any protection, if they are "good enough" for *you* depends on what level of risk you are comfortable taking. But condoms (and other barriers like dental dams), have been found to be the most effective way of preventing an STI transmission, and can lower the chances by as much as 99% percent (the exact number depends on the specific study and methods). They are also the only way of protecting yourself apart from PrEP and PEP medication for HIV prevention and doing just the activities that don’t pose any risk (you can find a comprehensive list of these here: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?). And regular testing once you become sexually active is a big part of staying safe as well.

This article talks more about how condoms and other barriers are effective and how to use them correctly: All the Barriers! All the Time!

Does that help? Do you have any additional questions?
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