Struggling to experience orgasm during masterbation

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Struggling to experience orgasm during masterbation

Unread post by heyitsmichael »

Hello friends, I wanted to post here to ask about some issues I have been having. Specifically, I have never been able to ejaculate or have an orgasm during masterbation. I have been experiencing wet dreams for almost two years, so I know my body is capable of it. For context, I am 14 (almost 15), bi, and use he/him pronouns. For the last 6 months or so I began trying to masterbate, as it’s something I’ve been excited to try and have heard so much about. And while it does feel good, I always get the sense that it is building to “something”, as I tend to feel a lot of pressure down there. The problem is, that “something” never comes. So it’s sort of anti-climactic and at some point I just stop trying. Lately I have been experiencing soreness in my testes, likely from pressure building up and not releasing. I hope I am not causing damage to my body by doing this. I just want to be able to provide pleasure for myself in a healthy way and explore my sexuality. I’m open to any thoughts and advice on this, thanks for letting me post!
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Re: Struggling to experience orgasm during masterbation

Unread post by KierC »

Hey Michael,

I see we’ve already spoken with you about this topic last week. Our main advice was that you’re not causing any damage, and that, for a lot of folks, it is often most helpful to focus on what feels good, rather than expecting a certain outcome.
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