Pregnancy OCD because of PCOS

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Pregnancy OCD because of PCOS

Unread post by Drthunder57 »

I think I have pcos, because I go long times between periods and I’ve experienced a lot of hirsutism since I was like 16 (although it seems to have lightened up of late). I also hold a little more weight than normal.
Anyways, not to be overly graphic but my bf and I do oral on each other and hand stuff, but I have never been penetrated nor have our naked genitals touched (except a few weeks before my last period when I didn’t know that that could pose pregnancy risk - but I figured getting the period meant it like “reset” and I was all good)
I have not had a period for four months now which is long even for me. I have always had a healthy amount of ocd and have taken like 3 pregnancy tests just to be sure (all very negative - the most recent being yesterday) but I still find my brain tricking me and telling me I can feel something in my abdomen and I know that it’s impossible but I just get very anxious.
I know I need to go to an obgyn but I worry that somehow they’ll magically find a baby inside of me and my life will be ruined (very religious family).
Anyways, I’m not sure what to do or necessarily why I’m writing this but I just need someone to advise me and tell me there’s no way there’s a baby in me and I need to get a grip lol
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Re: Pregnancy OCD because of PCOS

Unread post by HannahP »

Hi Drthunder57! Welcome to our boards!

I recommend you check out this resource: The Pregnancy Panic Companion You'll see it has two sections that apply to your situation, the section about irregular periods and the section about negative pregnancy tests. The negative pregnancy test part is the main one I want you to look at, because it has some great advice for how to manage your anxiety. How about you give it a read and then we can talk through anything you have questions about or need more support for?
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Re: Pregnancy OCD because of PCOS

Unread post by Drthunder57 »

oh my gosh this did wonders for my brain thank you so much. The part about the abdominal fluttering was so helpful too because I’m always like THATS A BABY but it’s literally just gas. I’m going to try to get off the internet because like yall said, it literally only ever serves to exacerbate my anxiety. Especially regarding the current political climate, because being in a state with a full abortion ban makes everything a thousand times scarier. Can’t thank you enough for the quick response you guys are genuinely doing such important work <3
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Re: Pregnancy OCD because of PCOS

Unread post by HannahP »

Yay, I'm so glad that that piece was helpful for you, Drthunder! You got this. :)
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