pain after insertion

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pain after insertion

Unread post by plutoonium »

(first post on here! hi!)

boyfriend and I are both virgins (as far as I know), but we do enjoy I guess phone sex? we'll masturbate and guide each other through it over text. neither of us have very much experience except for with each other.

so far I've usually really only tried putting two fingers in, but yesterday he told me to see if I could try three fingers. he never makes me do anything I don't wanna do, but I think I went in with too much force and I've been having a sort of low ache in that area since yesterday. it's not enough pain to distract me from daily tasks, but I'm just a little worried that it'll turn into a greater issue. should I be worried?

I also had a second question: I've gone back to two fingers for the time being because I think that's what I'll be most comfortable with, but I'm curious if opening myself up to three fingers will be a little too much? I don't want to do something to my body that I shouldn't be doing.

thank you for any advice you're able to give me!! thank y'all so much!!
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Re: pain after insertion

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hi plutoonium, welcome to Scarleteen!

I wouldn't be too concerned with the ache you describe, unless you think it's interfering with your life and routine! What it sounds like to me was that your body may not have been prepared for that type of stretch. Your vagina is a muscle so think about it like weightlifting; if you go from not doing anything weightlifting to trying to benchpress 100 pounds, you're going to be sore and hurt! It's important to take it slowly to prepare for that type of 'exercise'; otherwise, you can hurt yourself.

Are you utilizing lube while fingering? It may be as simple as using more lube. You may just have not be ready at that specific time to take three fingers; that doesn't mean you'll never be ready though! Just that you may need some more preparation and thought before trying again. You may want to check out this advice column for more about painful fingering.
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