I'm so anxious and i really need help.

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I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

I'm 21 year old female and i do not use any hormonal therapy or contraceptives.

I had a non-PIV encounter that made me think i could get pregnant (I dry humped a guy and he slipped a hand in my pants to finger me and i did the same to give him a hand job. i could feel some precum or cum but i'm not sure, at some point i started fingering myself but i don't know if i had precum or cum in my hands.), this was on 22 Jan and i had my period before that on 15th Jan. I usually have regular 26-30 day cycle that lasts about 5 days.

On 8th Feb (17 days after encounter) i took a preg test and it was negative. I took another test this morning (22 days after encounter) and it is negative again.

My worry here is, on 11th Feb I got something like a period that lasted 2 days, stains more pink than red on pad, not regular flow (more watery?) but bright red when wiped. Just want to check if this happened because of something to do with that encounter or is it the stress affecting my cycle?
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there, talarose.

So, I want to share a couple links with you so that, moving forward, you can know what actually presents a real pregnancy risk and what doesn't. What you have posted doesn't, namely because direct contact between your genitals and a penis are what's needed for pregnancy, outside IVF procedures, and that's because sperm cells are super delicate AND all the fluids they are ejaculated with, not to mention the propulsion of ejaculate, are needed for conception.

Here's more on that: It sounds to me like on the 11th, you had your period or the start of it, since it sounds like it's due right around now based on the usual timing of your cycles. Sometimes flow can be shorter than other times, and sometimes it can stop and then start again, so it may be you see it again before the week is up.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

Thanks so much Heather, it's relieving to hear!

Just to double confirm with you, there is absolutely no chances of pregnancy through this incident right? Do I need to take another pregnancy test to confirm just in case? Apologies, I have no sexEd background what so ever and I harbour a lot of guilt from that incident :(
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

No need to apologize! Yes, this specific incident cannot lead to pregnancy. You do not need to take another pregnancy test, but it wouldn't be harmful if you needed to, to help with your anxiety.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

Thank you! i just, im not sure how i feel and i wake up every morning so scared and paranoid :( i plan to take another test later sometime in the eve- hopefully doing this one last time will ease my mind.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by HannahP »

Hi Talarose! I'm sorry you're feeling so scared and stressed! Your negative pregnancy tests definitely mean that you are not pregnant and I hope seeing one more will confirm that for you. If you do still end up having some lingering anxiety, I think it might be helpful for you to follow our The Pregnancy Panic Companion, which has some suggestions for how to ease your anxiety even after a negative pregnancy test.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

thank you! i took a test and it looks negative to me, idk if that's really the case though. ig i'm going to hang on tight and hope for a normal flow period the coming month.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by Reels_creators »

Be easy, and your previous tests are also enough to confirm that you are not. Do not take extra pressure.
Last edited by Jacob on Thu Feb 20, 2025 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited out allcaps
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by Jacob »

Aw it sounds like you're doing a good job of sitting with it and waiting to see how your cycle goes! It sounds like the the pregnancy test confirms everything you/we knew about your chances of pregnancy here.

(Also, hey Reels_creators, I've edited out your response which was in all-caps to make it normal sentence case, otherwise IT FEELS LIKE YOU'RE SHOUTING and we don't want that)
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

thank you so much everyone! i was just wondering if there is a way to attach images in this thread? i just need one last confirmation from someone who can read tests to confirm and then i'll stop haha. idk if its me but i feel cramping and my feed doesn't help as it keeps presenting pregnancy content and everything.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

maybe this works: it's a link to something i asked on reddit- dw about privacy or anything, it's from a throwaway account i plan to delete end of this week. if you aren't allowed to view i get it too, please let me know though! thanks a ton (:
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by KierC »

Hi Talarose!

We don’t allow pictures to be sent on our services, so I’ve removed the link from your post. No worries, just wanted you to know that’s why I edited your second post. :)

In lieu of sending pictures, I would take the previous negative tests as a good indication that you’re not pregnant. I’m sorry to hear about your feed showing you pregnancy stuff though, the algorithm can be so pesky like that! Sometimes it can help to “reset” (both the algorithm and how you feel, sometimes!) by taking a social media break when you feel things are coming up that you don’t want to.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

thanks KierC, i just don't know if i'm reading the tests right- that's my problem here. thanks for all your reassurances anyway! i'm so incredibly thankful for all your replies.
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Though we can't look at your picture, you may want to check out the r/lineporn subreddit if you truly need another set of eyes on your test. That being said, from what you've described and the several other tests you've taken, I'm sure it's negative!
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by talarose@12 »

Thank you so much! So to wrap up our convo so far:
(so sorry, everyone here must so tired of clarifying will fingering with cum get me pregnant query)

out of all the pregnancy tests I took and the most recent one which was 44 days after this fingering with cum incident, i did get a period (i think, i hope) but the flow was not like usual and very very light (it seemed like spotting but lasted 4 days) but the test was negative- should i trust the test and stop worrying right? i got this 'period/spotting' before I took the latest preg test.

my this month period is due soon (in 3 days) so hopefully i get it properly this month onwards! TIA (:
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Re: I'm so anxious and i really need help.

Unread post by Heather »

Alas, if we could tell you to stop worrying and that would do the trick, we would! But it's more a matter of you figuring out what you need to do to let this go and think about something else, and usually the first step to that is to stop talking about the thing you can't let go.

I strongly suggest you stop taking tests or talking about them, and try and find other places to put your attention and focus. What else in your life is a place where you can focus? Let's talk about how to get you past this instead of staying focused on talk that is only going to keep you locked in this anxiety, okay?
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