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Manual Sex? Fingering?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:10 am
by JerThomp20
Hey, Good evening. I'm new here. My friend told me about this website this afternoon that can provide sexual education.

Yesterday, I went overbroad with my girlfriend. I did insert my finger into her vagina. But as i remembered, i wash my hand with soap every time i want to insert it. But the thing is i dont know if my fingers were touch by my precum. im afraid that my fingers got my precum and went inside her. Is it possible to get her pregnant in this way? i dont know what this activity called, some called it fingering some called it manual sex. Can i got some articles that are related to my problems that can cool down my anxiety about this?

Re: Manual Sex? Fingering?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:23 am
by KierC
Hi JerThomp20, and welcome to the boards :)

You’re right, the activity you’ve described is called manual sex. In the event that pre-ejaculate did touch your fingers and then touched her vagina, this is described as indirect contact with pre-ejaculate, which does not pose a risk to pregnancy. Pre-ejaculate contains few sperm cells (sometimes barely any at all), and these cells are very fragile. So, the sperm cells wouldn’t survive the journey from your hand to the vagina.

Here are a couple articles that may help with the anxiety!

1. A great guide that can help you quickly determine if that activity you did poses a risk to pregnancy and/or STIs: Can I Get Pregnant, Or Get Or Pass On An STI From That?

2. Our pregnancy scare resource: Pregnancy Scared?

3. An article about the fragility of sperm cells: Who’s Afraid of Sperm Cells?

I hope this helps! :)

Re: Manual Sex? Fingering?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:44 am
by JerThomp20
So basically from the resources that you provide, as long its two genitals direct contact it does not pose a risk to pregnancy because the sperm so fragile?

Re: Manual Sex? Fingering?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:50 am
by KierC
No, that is not what the resources say. Two genitals in direct contact does pose a risk to pregnancy. The situation that doesn’t pose a risk is indirect contact with pre-ejaculate. Direct contact with pre-ejaculate can pose a risk to pregnancy.