What does this mean?! Please help!!

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What does this mean?! Please help!!

Unread post by hpink13 »

I currently want to start a weight loss diet and the tea package that I bought comes with a warning saying: "Yes, the teatox can potentially reduce the effectiveness of birth control if you take your pill within 4-5 hours of the laxative effect." What does this mean? If I take my birth control at 4pm in the afternoon and I drink the laxative tea at 9pm at night and the effects come in the morning does that affect the effectiveness of my birth control pill? Please help! I don't want to start this tea regimen not knowing the risk it can have in the effectiveness of my birth control pill.Thank you in advance!
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Re: What does this mean?! Please help!!

Unread post by Johanna »

So, if the tea has a laxative effect, that can impact your birth control pill, as the pill needs to be fully absorbed to be effective. That means you'll want to be sure to have more than enough time between taking the pill and drinking the tea, so that the pill can be fully absorbed and do its thing. So taking the pill in the afternoon and then drinking the tea late in the evening should be fine, though I would recommend erring on the side of caution with the timing until you have an idea of how the tea works on your body.

I also want to double check that you are starting this diet with the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist? You can also talk to them about making sure it works with your birth control.
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