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Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:35 pm
by Fender909
I know you guys can't give me a 100% cause for my bloating and you can't diagnose anything, but some input would be cool.

I took one at-home pregnancy test at the beginning of December and it came out negative. At the beginning of this month I got my blood drawn for a blood test in the lab. I got a call that my results for pregnancy were negative.

Because of my nerves about the thought of being pregnant, I've turned pressing on my stomach as hard as I can into a bad habit. So I've been doing it frequently. Sometimes it's more like massaging but most of the time I'm just jabbing my fingers in there. I don't know if this could be a cause of my bloating.

Maybe I could be just gaining weight? But I've just been panicking since I've been going through this pregnancy scare for a little over three months so the growth of my belly would be in time. I've had my period two times since my scare began, but this month it isn't coming when I expected it. I expected it around a week ago. So that's kinda making me panicky too, even though my period has rarely been predictable.

I talked to my parents about how I thought my belly was looking bigger and they said I might be just bloating before my period. And my step-mom keeps reminding me "People gain weight."

Also I keep feeling a twitching feeling down there too. It mainly happens at night. I don't know what it could be. Muscle spasms? Gas? It's really freaking me out.

I've also been getting really spaced out abdominal cramps. They feel like period cramps, but I can't be sure. My lower back was in pain last night so these symptoms make me feel like I'm about to start my period but I don't.

Re: Bloating?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:56 pm
by Karyn
Bloating and abdominal cramps can happen for all sorts of reasons, including stress. One of the side effects of stress for many people is digestive upset, so it's possible that's what's going on here. Of course, checking in with a doctor is the only way to know for sure.

Looking back on some of your previous posts, it seems as though you were on track to getting set up with a new therapist - have you had any appointments with them yet?

Re: Bloating?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:09 pm
by Fender909
I'm working to get set up with a new one. I definitely need one and have a desire for one. My doctor said she was going to call and search for therapists that she think would work for me but I haven't heard back yet.

Re: Bloating?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:23 pm
by Karyn
How about giving your doctor a call, then, and seeing where they are at with that process? You can ask at the same time if they think it's worth coming in to get your cramps and other symptoms checked out.

Re: Bloating?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:42 pm
by Fender909
Alright. Will do. Thank you.

Re: Bloating?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:29 am
by Fender909
I started my period yesterday morning and the bloating hasn't gone down very much at all. Looking at my diet the past week or so, it's been terribly salt-packed. So that could definitely be contributing to this.

I've been drinking as much water as possible since last night. I've also had green tea in hopes that hydration would help my bloating to down.

Do you guys have any remedies for menstrual bloating?

Re: Bloating?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:37 am
by Heather
You might want to be more moderate with the water, but ultimately, there is not a lot to do here, and since bloating tends to be temporary and does not usually cause pain or get in the way of basic daily life stuff, really, it is just something to wait out.