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Unread post by Prettyskittle »


I was just fooling around with my guy and we tried anal for the first time, for us and for me.

He had already entered my vagina before trying my bum, it didn't really hurt but after a bit he stopped and said I was bleeding.

I went to the toilet and wiped myself and there was some blood from bum on the paper.

It doesn't hurt or anything and it isnt continuously bleeding, there's just been a few spots, is this normal after anal for the first time?

Should I be worried?

Thank you.
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Re: Bleeding

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi prettyskittle,

Bleeding after anal, just like bleeding after vaginal intercourse, is a sign that something was up during that intercourse, and with anal sex you want to avoid causing bleeding. The easiest ways to do that are to use lube (a lot of lube, usually) and go slow. So, if you're bleeding from this time, if you end up doing it again you'll want to take steps to try and avoid causing it again. We have some articles on the main site about anal sex and how to do it safely, so I would check those out if you're interested.
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Re: Bleeding

Unread post by Prettyskittle »

Ok, I have since been to the toilet and had a bowel movement and there was still some blood when I wiped, but I know it will not heal straightaway. And as I said I'm not in any pain, it almost feels as if you've strained too much when going to the toilet, if that makes sense.

Will it heal by itself, as I know having a bowel movement will obviously reopen a tear, or is there anything I can do to help the healing?

Thank you, I will have a look at those articles.
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Re: Bleeding

Unread post by Heather »

Really, if the bleeding has not gotten worse, and you are not in pain, just leaving it be -- maybe making sure you use something mellow to help it heal like a little aloe vera or coconut oil -- should be fine.

It can also help to be sure you're paying attention to how you eat with something like this, so you're not getting constipated and having to strain the area with bowel movements.

The other thing to address is that in the case this was unprotected -- you were not using condoms -- you do need to know there were possible STI risks for you both, so if both of you are not current with those screenings, you'll want to get current in the next couple months.
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Re: Bleeding

Unread post by Prettyskittle »

Thank you.

I bathed this morning and have checked myself with a mirror and the only time I had some blood was when I went for a bowel movement and again this was only minimal and not painful. I have just tried not to strain too much to aggravate it.

I know that it will take a while to heal especially when the tear is aggravated by a BM.
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