Can you record a brief video of yourself talking about how Scarleteen has helped you? We're looking for clips for a fundraising video in the new year, and we'd love to have you involved! You can find out more, including how and where to upload your video, here: Scarleteen’s Project For Awesome 2025 submission! Our deadline for these is December 23rd 2024!

What do you struggle with around self-care?

When you want support through something scary or rough, and help pulling yourself together and getting through, this is the place.
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We ask that users looking for general, ongoing emotional support post in this area of the boards, and that you use this space to both ask for, give and receive that support primarily from each other, rather than from our staff and volunteers. As a staff, we simply are often too overextended with all we need to do in running the organization and its services to do that for extended periods of time, and one of our main aims of our community at the boards has always been to facilitate peers to better be there for each other.

Users often report that they have no in-person peers they can talk to or seek support from: we want this to be a space for online peer support and somewhere everyone can get some practice asking for, getting and giving support so that doing it with people in your lives feels more doable.

Please remember that neither staff, volunteers nor your fellow users can provide or replace mental healthcare when that is something you need. Users struggling with issues like anxiety, depression, abuse or physical health issues are strongly encouraged to seek out qualified, in-person help with those issues in addition to peer or staff support.
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What do you struggle with around self-care?

Unread post by Sam W »

Self-care is something we advise people to utilize pretty frequently here at Scarleteen. But even though it's beneficial, many people still struggle with doing self-care. So, I thought we could have a place where people discuss what issues they find make self-care tricky, and any ways they've figured out how to make it more accessible to them.

For me, time is a big issue. I have a busy schedule, and some part of my brain resists the idea that any of that time should go to anything pleasant or "unnecessary." But I've started using things that relax me or make me happy in the little gaps I have between commitments, or in the mornings or evenings. I also find that broadening the definition of self-care helps me realize that many things I do already fall within that spectrum. And, in an odd way, thinking of things that I need to do anyway as self-care (like washing my face before bed) makes it easier for me to remember to do them.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: What do you struggle with around self-care?

Unread post by ratperson »

I struggle with running out of spoons. As a college student, I have to go to class, socialize with friends, go to meals (and dealing with the loud, crowded dining hall usually costs more spoons than the food gives me), do homework, study, and somehow find time and spoons for self-care. It's very difficult - I take a lot of naps and they help most of the time, but then I end up with anxiety over homework or impending tests and that eats away at spoons I could use to, say, shower, or wash my face, or read a good book. Something I've found to help is to actively schedule a time for self-care in my schedule. If I think of it as a reward system, I can say 'If I study for an hour for [insert subject here], I'll treat myself to a nice shower!' or 'if I read and take notes on these chapters, I can read a fun book.' That is helpful, and it switches my mindset to 1) motivate me to do what's necessary, and 2) make self-care a positive thing. Of course, some days I think of self-care as eating an actual meal or remembering to carry a bottle of water everywhere with me, because I'm low on spoons. I've come to accept that those things are also self-care and some days I have to celebrate those because I don't have spoons for anything else.

(if you're wondering what I mean by 'spoons', check out the spoon theory! It's just a short google search away. :D)
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Re: What do you struggle with around self-care?

Unread post by nomadiclady »

fellow spoonie over here! I struggle with self care as well. I like the reward system, but my problem is bad habits make my rewards often not self care related, and self care needs to be rewarded with something else. For example, take a shower and then read a chapter of a book I like. Or meditate, then eat some chocolate. I find that especially when I am feeling depressed or anxious I want to do all my comforting things even though I know they are not really good for me.
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