Missed period, nauseas, but NOT pregnant

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Missed period, nauseas, but NOT pregnant

Unread post by camihg17 »

Hello... I'm going to explain to you what's happening to me and see if you can help me..

I'm 19 years old. On jan 4th I got sick (food poisoning), and on the 6th I had my period. My cycles are usually 30-32 days (always regular and on time).. After I got sick on the 4th, I didn't eat well for almost two weeks (until the 16th or the 17th), and I didn't fully recover until the 21st.
I should also say that I started taking antidepressants (it's called Lexapro) on that time for around two weeks, starting on the 11th..
I probably did lose weight during the time I was sick and didn't eat, but I'm already really skinny and always have been.

I had some sexual interactions on the 21st of jan and the 6th of feb (the day I was supposed to get my period), but after reading your pregnancy risk post, there's nothing to worry about there. so I can't really be pregnant.

Now is the 17th of feb, my period is about 10 days late, and I've been feeling really nauseous for the past three days, although I haven't thrown up again since the time I got sick on january.

My question is, could it be that maybe I didn't ovulate? and what are the causes for not ovulating in a month? Also, what do you think my nauseas are for? This is something that's never happened to me, at least not in the last 4 years, I'm not on the pill or anything like that. The only reason I'm truly worried is because I haven't been feeling well, but it can't be pregnancy cause there wasn't any sperm near my vagina anytime... So what do you think it is?

Sam W
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Re: Missed period, nauseas, but NOT pregnant

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi camihg,

As far as your period goes, it's pretty normal to experience some irregularity here or there, even if you've been menstruating for years. You can read some of the most common reasons why periods are late here:
M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period?

As for the nausea, that's not really something we can diagnose for you. If you've been feeling sick, your best option is to check in with a doctor or other healthcare provider to see what might be causing those symptoms.
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