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Spotting while on the pills

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:19 am
by bingcicle18
I have been taking the pills for a year for contraceptive purpose. Last Friday was the day of my last hormone pill before the sugar ones but i noticed that i had some pink/brown blood when i wipe. I kept taking the pill on Friday night as normal. However, since Friday till today (Sunday) i've just been spotting a little during the day/when i wipe. For the last year i've been taking the pills at the exact same time every day and have not experienced any side effects including spotting. I'm wondering if you could advise me whether i should wait out and see if my period is normal (in that case, i wont have to worry about pregnancy?), which should come on Tuesday and then see if i spot again next month, or should i go see the doctor ASAP even though this is the first time that this happened and for the past week i have been quite stressed/not enough sleep (which might be the cause of hormones fluctuations?). I know that spotting is a common side effect of being on the pills (even if it's been a year??) but it's quite worrying as i have not experienced any of the side effects and i just had a read about implantation bleeding!
Thank you,

Re: Spotting while on the pills

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:23 pm
by Johanna
If you have been taking the pill as directed, it is extremely unlikely that you have become pregnant. And spotting or breakthrough bleeding are indeed common side effects of the pill, and can occur at any time, even if you have not experienced any other side-effects. However, if you want to be on the safe side, you can always take a pregnancy test to double-check.