First time

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First time

Unread post by mslovelyladyy »

Hi there. I had sex for the first time two days ago and I bled for a little bit right after had sex and it stopped. The next morning i woke up and I had more blood on my underwear. I researched online and it said it was normal for you to spot blood for two to three days after you have sex. I thought ok its normal. But its the third day and I am bleeding a lot. I'm wondering if its because i had sex or because I got my period because its the time of month I should be getting it. Im really worried because I dont know if im bleeding because of loosing my virginity or because I'm on my period.
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Re: First time

Unread post by Heather »

Usually, bleeding after any kind of sex is less common rather than more -- in other words, if we're talking consensual, careful first intercourse, most people will NOT have bleeding -- unless someone was injured (and that can happen just by people being hasty, not using enough lubricant, or rushing into sex with entry before or without full arousal). And if it's just light spotting, it's usually nothing to be concerned about unless you're not current with your STI testing, (to assure it is not due to infection.

If, however, you are having heavier bleeding and it is NOT a menstrual period, then it's a good idea to check in with a healthcare provider. But if your period is due right around now anyway, and you did not have any pain or anything else to suggest you had a genital injury, then this is likely your period, and has nothing to do with your sexual activity.

If you need help finding a sexual healthcare provider, for now or just so, now that you are sexually active, you have one to start using, we're always glad to help with that.
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