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Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:52 pm
by adriacowe
There is a girl I know,former friend because she couldn't respect my religion, who was pregnant up until January and is lying to my friends. I have a group of friends that tend to be sexuallu active and we've all had our pregnancy scares. She told a bunch of my friends that she had her period, mind she said it wasn't implanation bleeding, every month of her pregnancy. At first I just brushed it off my shoulders as she was joking. Although recently a friend of mine hadn't had sex in a while and had a period since then but missed her latest one. The former pregnant girl has convinced my friend to the point where she has gotten severe depression and anxiety from it. How do I deal with my upset friend, and the one who did this to her?

Re: Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:47 pm
by Mo
This sounds like a really frustrating situation! We can't really know why your former friend is saying the things she's saying, but it's a bummer that she's stressing other people out. One thing you might be able to do, to help out your friend who's getting stressed from hearing these stories, is to point her to some info on our site about pregnancy, or to go with her to get a home pregnancy test so she can take it and feel more at ease.

Re: Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:52 pm
by adriacowe
The girl has a past of compulsive lying, most of us didn't even believe she was pregat until we saw the second or third ultra sound. I've sent her the links on this site I used when I was going through my pregnancy scare. The problem with both mine amd her families is that it's practically impossible to get a test because of restrictions from our parents. Basically she had sex in like December, she had a period in January and told me it was normal. She missed this month so she panicked after the other girl told her she could still be pregnant. There are forums online saying that you can have your period and still be pregnant so she really freaked. I always thought they confused their periods with implanation bleeding. Am I wrong?

Re: Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:10 pm
by Mo
In terms of those forums online, it can be hard to know why folks talk about getting periods while pregnant. Sometimes this can be because people are a little mistaken as to when their pregnancy began, they had some other kind of bleeding during pregnancy, or for whatever reason they're just spreading misinformation. It's definitely not true that periods can happen during pregnancy, though, so you're not wrong about that. :)
So, since you can't easily access a pregnancy test it might be good to support your friend by reminding her that looking on unregulated pregnancy forums can be a good way to freak yourself out! We definitely recommend anyone with pregnancy worries stay away from sites like that, as they tend to only reinforce those worries without any fact or science behind them.

Re: Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:20 pm
by adriacowe
She sent me links to the sites, I think they were like cafemom or something, and I told her all of them sound like they are just telling each other anything to rise hopes for pregnancy. She calmed down a lot after I said that. I'm hoping to set up some meetings with the guidance consuler to help her manage her anxiety since neither of our parents believe in pychatrists or therapists. So now, since I'm kinda late too, we're just trying to figure out why our periods are MIA. I looked for articles on here but they wont pull up :o

Re: Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:31 pm
by Mo
Here's the direct link to the article about late or missing periods: M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period? Meeting up with your school guidance counselor sounds like a good idea, I hope that works out. :)

Re: Former pregnant friend lying to scare?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:47 pm
by adriacowe
Thanks for the link and the help! I hope so too c: