A few questions

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A few questions

Unread post by Berry124 »

Hi, firstly this is not a scare. This is a post that is not related to my scares or anxieties in the past. I really mean it this is not a scare, I am no longer discussing them due to restrictions. Thankyou.

So, I have been getting pain since being fingered pretty deeply(apologies if this is to much information) and last time I could feel the object the shape of what was put into me and it did hurt a lot also last Tuesday and then went away. During the activity, I didn't feel any pain and I was pretty well lubricated by my own fluids, as we could both tell. Soo, I was wondering could it just be my hymen? I looked at the article and saw that it said-"What’s actually there is the vaginal corona, consisting of elastic folds of mucous tissue, which can’t be ruptured or broken in one fell swoop by a penis or any other object inserted into the vagina. When the mucous tissue is stretched, minor ruptures sometimes develop and may smart a little. These soon heal, usually within 24 hours. The folds of the vaginal corona are located 1–2 cm inside the vaginal opening, so penis length is irrelevant." From this, is it possible that my hymen may have minor ruptures in it, the pain is located at the entrance and starts when I have been moving around.The activity was on Sunday and it's Tuesday now. Also can I just feel the shape of my partners finger still because the vagina may have been stretched? I'm not super concerned by I just wanted to double check so you don't have to reply like super quick.

Also, would this be any concern if the pain does not go away way and is it normal to experience the pain for more than two days after its started? My partner and I realised that his nails were quite long, and the week before they were not, could having them trimmed properly avoid any pain related issues? We always make sure his hands are washed before doing the acivity so I highly doubt it is an infection. I am also guessing that this pain is pretty usual as I have never inserted anything more than 2cm into my vagina until this activity started(and I haven't used tampons).
Thank you
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Re: A few questions

Unread post by Heather »

The hymen doesn't really have any sensory nerve endings, so as it wears away, or even with tears, it is not at all likely to cause pain. So, the pain is most likely due to an abrasion of the vagina, especially given what you have said about fingernails.

By all means, it's important if we, or a partner, are going to be putting our hands on or inside genitals that they are clean, and that nails are trimmed and smooth. Alternately, a latex glove can be used. Too, if and when something is painful, that is a signal to stop, not keep going. Pain truly is our bodies' way of letting us know when something we are doing to or with it isn't okay, safe or sound.

If the pain continues or gets worse over the next day or so, I'd suggest checking in with a sexual healthcare provider.
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Re: A few questions

Unread post by Berry124 »

Oh ok, oh dear if it's to do with my vagina then could I he really badly hurt or? The pain has been non existent today however I have got stomach ache,( they feel like period cramps but I've it another eight pills to go till my pill free week, is it normal to bleed before your pill free.week btw?)though I hope this isn't related to my pain. Me and my partner always make sure he washes his hands before and after manual, on me and him.

We decided to stop after it really hurt and have also decided to stop all sexual activity (due to personal reasons) so I hope that will help me heal or something.

( Heather, I just wanted to say I finally handed in my anxiety form, I had been putting it off as I was worried who ever I gave it to would think bad about me or something, I realised that I was being silly so did it today)
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Re: A few questions

Unread post by Heather »

So glad to hear you finally took that step for yourself and your own self-care. :) I'm also glad to hear you have set that limit with sexual activities, especially given how clear it is that any of this clearly triggers anxiety or fears for you.

Per usual, we can't guess at things like this, or give you the kind of information only someone who can examine you in person can. But someone who is very badly hurt, as you know, does not tend to feel just fine and be without pain. However, I can't know what's up here beyond what I've already said.

Given you aren't reporting major pain or anything else, my guess is that, per usual, your concerns here and the way you're focusing on them has a lot more to do with your mental than your physical health. Personally, until you start that anxiety care, I'd strongly advise you stop using the internet to do health research. It just seems to me like it's not benefitting you, but instead, just seems to be feeding your worries and your hyperfocus on all of this, IMO.

How about you try giving yourself a two-week hard limit on using the internet in this way? Or heck, take a two week internet break full-stop? The net can be an amazing tool, for sure, but it also, especially when used in certain ways, can create stress for people, or wind up being something that enables more of the negative stuff than the good stuff.
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Re: A few questions

Unread post by Berry124 »

Thank you :) Yeah, I told my partner how I always worried, he understood and I said if I worry then maybe im just not quite ready for things yet and he said that he thinks that too and understood, so that discussion went well :) Plus relationships don't have to always have sexual things in them all the time after all.

Yeah, I haven't received any pain down there today, only pain is stomach pain, however I have IBS and it flares up when I'm emotionally stressed (like very recently) so im used to it.

Yeah, I agree as for example, when I had bad anxiety back last year, that made my IBS get extremely unbearable and painful, before I saw a doctor about it, I thought I had colon cancer at 16, blood tests taken nearly two months later, no abnormalities. Blame me going on the internet lol. I will just go on the internet for college work and to check emails( and maybe to do online shopping ever now and then haha)

I know that this is a bit irrelevant, but I just wonder however, im eight pills away from finishing my third pack of pills and was wondering if you can get periods before finishing the pack in the first few months? Just got troubled skin and the stomach pain which feels kind of crampish so just wondered. After all my bodies getting used to the pill still isn't it? My 'periods'/ bleeds are lighter and the cervical fluid is normal for the pill and it's taken same time concistantly, so im not messing my body up by not taking it. Plus my cycles used to vary from 21-27 days on average, the pill makes me go seven days of o pill, then 21 of pills, does that make the cycle longer? Could you still get a period type bleed before the gap or am I just asking a silly question. Thx
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Re: A few questions

Unread post by Heather »

As we've mentioned before, in the first few packs of pill use, it takes the body a bit of time to get used to the pill and sync up with it when it comes to withdrawal bleeds, especially if and when a person started the pill mid-cycle. So, by all means, in the first few packs, a person may experience spotting, breakthrough bleeding, or withdrawal bleeding (once on the pill, there aren't technically menstrual periods anymore) at times other than during the placebo period.
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Re: A few questions

Unread post by Berry124 »

Ok thank you, I did start on the fourth day of my period and last month I noticed stomach pain when half way through the pack like this month, so that makes sense now :)
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