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pregnant and scared

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:45 am
by markopollo1712
im 16 and 10 weeks pregnant. My partner(17) wants to get a sex change but because we live in a bible belt they have to move 6 hours away to Edmonton to get them. They will be leaving shortly after baby is born in September. I support them completely i just dont think i want to have to do this without them. I don't know what to do and this is so stressful.

Re: pregnant and scared

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:19 am
by Heather
That certainly is a lot to deal with at once!

What does your larger support system look like? Do you have family members or friends who can also help you out? Are you still living at home? If so, how is that for you right now, particularly with support around your pregnancy?

I am hearing you say this may not be something you want to do. It sounds like you have made up your mind about remaining pregnant, but if I don't have that right, we certainly can talk to you about your other options with a pregnancy, as both abortion and adoption are also choices you could make.

Re: pregnant and scared

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 12:19 pm
by markopollo1712
I definately do plan on keeping the baby. My parents arent pleased and my step dad wants me to leave although my mother is very much against that.besides that i have alot of comunity supports through boys and girls club my highschool and the sexual health center.

My problem lies around the stress of an apropriate balance of support between me and my significant other. I dont want them to feel as if im pressuring them to stay because were having a baby but i dont want him to go because its a very stressful thing to do alone. I dont want to have to go through with that, but i know that if they dont get on hrt soon theyre not againtst taking drastic measures to get it One way or another.

Re: pregnant and scared

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:58 am
by markopollo1712
On another note is it okay that i forget to take my prenatal vitamin sometimes?

Re: pregnant and scared

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:43 am
by Sam W
Hi Markopollo,

Okay, so it sounds like you do have some community support. Do you also have friends, or other family members besides your parents who will support you? And what do you have in terms of access to medical care?

Has your partner indicated to you that they intend to leave this relationship as part of their transition? You do mention that they would have to travel or possibly move in order to access hormones, but have they indicated that they don't plan on supporting you at all?