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Masturbation question

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:50 am
by ScaredKitten
First of all, I'm a girl, 17 and virgin. I was too scared to try having sex until now. Lately I've become more and more interested in how if feels like to have sex and etc. :oops: :oops:
Yesterday I tried touching myself near my vagina for the first time. (Note: Untill now, I only masturbated by touching my clit, I never even went near my vagina hole) I tried inserting one finger but it hurt like f*ck. I noticed that I'm also really really, really tight, which I guess it's normal. But to be honest I got really scared because of that. Anyway.. I tried relaxing more and I managed to insert my whole finger without feeling any pain. I got scared and abandoned what I was doing..
This morning I got curious again about how it might feel after I start getting used to the sensation of having something there..
I tried inserting my finger again, slowly I got used and the pain faded away completly. I even started to move my finger inside really fast but I felt absolutely nothing... No pleasure.. Nothing. :?
I keep thinking and asking myself is it's possible not to feel even the slightest pleasure while fingering. It's bugs me so much now. I mean, I don't like sex? And how will my first time with a guy be? Why can't I feel any pleasure? It was just plain boring and at some point it frustrated me.
Please help. Is this normal??? :cry: :oops: :|

Re: Masturbation question

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:23 pm
by Johanna
Welcome to Scarleteen, ScaredKitten!

Good news: what you experienced sounds completely normal. It is completely normal for our first experimentations and our first attempts at any new sexual activity to not feel like much. It takes a little bit of time and practice to figure out what we like and what works for us. Just take it slow, and listen to your body: you'll want to stop doing things that cause pain, and continue with things that feel good. It may also help you to invest in some lube, to make things go more smoothly. And if it doesn't feel like much of anything right now and you're not getting anything out of it, it's also okay to just stop experimenting. That does not mean that you'll never feel anything: it just means that this one thing you are doing is not working for you right now.

Re: Masturbation question

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:14 am
by ScaredKitten
Thank you Johanna! :)