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Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:29 am
by laurabriann
I am in a long distance relationship -not sure if it is over or not- and I think I like another guy. My boyfriend of 2 years and I've been in a long distance relationship for 7 months now. We broke up once, but then we got back together. The last time we texted was 3 weeks ago. We just suddenly stopped talking to each other. During these 3 weeks, I've started talking to another guy, who was in my class last year. At first, we were being friendly to each other, but now we are flirting. We text at least 2 hours every night, he sends me songs, videos and cute text messages. We even found nicknames for each other. I know that he likes me, I found it out via But, he did not confessed it yet. Yesterday, he hung out with me and my best friends at school, because he lost a bet. He put his arm around me most of the time, and stared at me a lot. My friends are convinced that he likes me. I think, I like him too. If he asks me out, I would definitely go for it. Anyway, yesterday my boyfriend put a story in Snapchat, which was him holding 3 pills in his hands with a caption about heartache. The last time we broke up, he was just like that, missing me a lot etc. But I really do not understand whether if he found out that I'm flirting with some other guy or he misses me. I do not think that he found someone else and just broke up with her -you would not have a heartache because of a 3 week long relationship. Am I considered as cheating my boyfriend in this case? I really think that our relationship is over, yet we did not break up officially. Should I wait for him to contact me, or should I tell him the truth?

Re: Relationship

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:34 pm
by Johanna
It sounds like your old relationship is not working out anymore, so it's best to address that honestly to make sure that you are both on the same page. If you know you are not interested in continuing your relationship, it is not fair to your boyfriend to leave him dangling and wait for him to contact you.

Re: Relationship

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:42 pm
by Redskies
(I'm a little confused here. I think Johanna's reply here was actually posted back last year despite what the time stamp says, and laurabriann, it says you just bumped the thread. Is there something with this thread you'd like to address at the moment? Happy to do that if there is, just wanted to un-muddle the muddle!)

Re: Relationship

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:49 pm
by laurabriann
I probably accidentally clicked on that option. Is there a way I could delete this thread?

Re: Relationship

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:26 am
by Sam W
Hi Laurabriann,

I am going to go ahead and lock it, which will keep it from getting mixed up with your other threads when posting.