ejaculate color?

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ejaculate color?

Unread post by groudon17 »

normally when i have had an orgasm that produces color it has been white. i usually see it on my underwear because i use it as a barrier between my genitals and my hand because i don't like how it feels directly on my fingers. so after i did today i saw on my underwear it was a solid color with a slight yellow/orange tint? is this normal? the only penetration i've ever had down there is fingers so i don't think it would be an std thing. could it be caused by food or my HRT or...? maybe it's just normal but not common? i took a picture because i am concerned, if that would help, but would prefer to not post/use it.
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Re: ejaculate color?

Unread post by Heather »

We can't have people posting pictures here, so no need.

Genital fluids aren't always the same color or consistency. Without knowing what medications you're using, I can't know if changes in genital fluids are a possible side effect.

Are you up-to-date with your sexual healthcare in general?
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Re: ejaculate color?

Unread post by groudon17 »

i take testosterone injections and depo injections, and that's it. as for any kind of physical sex exam i haven't had one. i know i will have to eventually but i'm not ready to undergo that yet
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Re: ejaculate color?

Unread post by Heather »

To my knowledge, T isn't likely to cause these kinds of changes, but the Depo certainly can cause changes to vaginal secretions, including them looking less clear, because part of how it works is by thickening them.

What I'd say is to just keep your eye on this. Changes in color and consistency now and then are common, and often nothing to worry about. But if this keeps up, the color starts to look super-funky, you have changes in how strongly your fluids smell, or you start to have any other possibly related symptoms like genital pain, rawness or swelling, or just generally feeling yucky on the whole, then it'll be time to see a healthcare provider about this.

And by all means, if one thing keeping you from sexual healthcare is a concern about getting care that's respectful and thoughtful around your gender identity, you can always ask the provider you are seeing with the T for a referral to a trans-friendly sexual healthcare provider. Any doctor working in transgender healthcare will have other providers for other kinds of care they feel good about referring their patients to.
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Re: ejaculate color?

Unread post by groudon17 »

thanks for your help, i'm feeling a little better now and get anxious very easily so this helps a lot.. as for healthcare and stuff my therapist has recommendations for me when i'm ready for that
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Re: ejaculate color?

Unread post by groudon17 »

i think this is what it is but the article is confusing and i know wikipedia is not the most reliable

in one part it says it's not abnormal but another says to get checked out? is it possible that the sole reason for this is estrogen imbalance like it suggests? that's the only thing i can think of on the article that is relatable and the part about std worries me despite the fact i don't feel it's possible i have one, and if it was a lesser infection i feel it would've happened sooner because i haven't been fingered in a few weeks, but even then my boyfriend doesn't have dirty hands...

i also found on google a post from the old forum that it's normal to have the color be from white to beige? it was kind of like beige but kind of yellow? sorry if i'm repeating myself; i haven't masturbated again yet to test to see if it's the same and kind of worried to... if it's able to be caused solely from estrogen imbalance i would feel better since that's obviously happening to me on purpose but it doesn't make it clear to me if it can happen just from that.

trying to search online is frustrating because it keeps talking about what it's like during pregnancy and i'm definitely not that. i don't know what to think when one thing says it's normal and another says it can cause cancer. the internet is such a scary place for medical questions... i'm not even sure if this article is entirely relevant, because this only happen/s when i orgasm, i've had it be white plenty of times but not the color tint to it. other than that i don't have any solid color discharge aside from orgasm.. but when i try to search for orgasm only, google gives me myths about squirting or uses "ejaculation" interchangeably with semen, or urinating, and none of those are helpful
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Re: ejaculate color?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi groudon,

I'd say heather's advice about keeping an eye on this still holds. It may just be part of a normal variation, but if it starts looking or smelling really off to you, then it might be time to check-up with someone.

I hear you on the internet research frustrations. We've got an article about how to find reliable info around sexual health stuff online here, if you think it will help in the future:
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