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Birth Control Use

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:10 pm
by bella695
So Ive been taking birth control on and off for the past 2 years. First I was taking mononessa, but I didnt like the way it made me feel so I switched to trinessa. I am not currently on the pill now and have been off for about 5 months now. My question is what is the what is the effect that this will have on my body? I stopped because people have told me that birth control may make it hard for you to have children in the future. But as I am currently sexually active now I want to get back on it, because I am not ready for children yet. So is taking it on and off like that bad for my body? My period has always been normal whether I'm on or off.

Re: Birth Control Use

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:52 am
by Sam W
Hi bella,

The folks who were telling you the pill makes it harder to have kids in the future were mis-informed. There may be an increase in time after stopping the pill in which it is difficult to conceive, but it won't harm your long term ability to have a kid. So, if you're sexually active, we recommend that buddy system of a hormonal method and a barrier (like a condom) to provide the greatest protection against pregnancy and STIs. The pill is an option, but there are also methods like the IUD or the implant that are more effective and easier to use on your end and, especially if you don't want kids within the next several years. We have info about those on the main site, but here's the one on the pill to start you off.

Combined Oral Contraceptives (The Pill)