Can u get pregnant while on ur period.

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Can u get pregnant while on ur period.

Unread post by Amberbrick »

Hi my name is Amber,
So me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 1/2 yrs and have been intament a couple of times. This last time we were sexually active we didn't use a condom because we're trying for a baby :) we had sex a on my period. And am wondering if there still a chance I'm pregnant. Because we did it when I was on a period.

Thanks :)
Eddie C
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Re: Can u get pregnant while on ur period.

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hello there, Amber. Welcome to the boards! :)

Unless you are charting your cycle, taking your basal temperature and checking for your cervical mucus; is really hard to predict when you are more likely to get pregnant. Pregnancy during a period is not the most common thing but is not impossible either. This would be one of those things that is going to be different for everyone making really hard to set a rule.
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Re: Can u get pregnant while on ur period.

Unread post by Amberbrick »

My cycles are ever 21 days and I ovlate on the 2 day after my period ends. So is that mean I'm pregnant
Eddie C
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Re: Can u get pregnant while on ur period.

Unread post by Eddie C »

The only reliable way to know if someone is pregnant or not is by taking a pregnancy test. If you are interested this is something you can do once you have a missing period or 14 days after the last risk. You can see all the info about testing in here: ... ancy_tests
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Re: Can u get pregnant while on ur period.

Unread post by Heather »

By the by, since you're trying to become pregnant, it's advised you see an OB/GYN BEFORE getting pregnant to best protect your health and support a healthy pregnancy.

An extra bonus with that visit is that they can give you some education on charting properly so that you can start to learn which times you are most fertile.
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