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Will this effect the pill?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:13 pm
by Leia1997
Hi! I have a question about whether or not these scenarios would affect my pill:

1.) Two days ago, I took my pill normally and around 3 hours later I had one "loose" or "watery" stool. But that was it. I believe I ate something around 30 mins before the incident that upset my stomach. I've always heard that six or more watery stools in /4 hours would count as a missed pill.

2.) A couple times this month after I've taken my pill, I would lay down after a big meal and felt like I had "acid reflux" or something like that. It just felt like everything was coming up into my throat but I never actually threw up.

I'm just a little concerned about those two cases because I've been taking my pill perfectly and it seems like there is always something new to worry about. Thanks!

Re: Will this effect the pill?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:18 am
by Heather
One loose stool does not diarrhea make: diarrhea is a pattern of loose stools, and, as it sounds like you already get, there's really only an issue if there is a pattern.

I can't say if the acid reflux you are having is due to your pill, what you're eating, or both (or about laying down after eating, which will often cause acid reflux). It being related to your pill, however, seems pretty unlikely to me. It seems more likely it is related to what and how much you are eating, and then being prone after eating. But a healthcare provider is the best person to talk to to really check this out and give you the scoop.