Withdrawal bleeding and pre-existent sexual risks
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:03 pm
Hello , I have a doubt about up to what extent a "withdrawal bleed" should be considered "as a period". I read a post here from a girl who wasn't on the pill, who asked if the period she got 3 days after intercourse meant she wouldn't become pregnant from that risk on the next cycle, which a staff member answered positively. Would that be the same for someone who is on the pill? Like, having sex on the first placebo pill and get the withdrawal bleed two/three days later would mean she most likely won't become pregnant from that last activity? I know that taking the pill properly is what counts, but I wonder if while on the pill, a sexual activity close (but before) the withdrawal bleeding should be taken into consideration as an still-existent risk on the next pill pack. I don't know if I made myself clear, but I plan to keep using the pill in the future and these are things that I don't quite understand and really need to. Thank youu