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Normal discharge?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:10 pm
by Jasonsings177
"Thick, white, and creamy discharge? BUT, there was a spot of yellow (kind of a large spot) a bit above the thick/white/creamy discharge. I'm due for my period on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. Is this normal? Isn't discharge supposed to stop a few days before your period comes?" My girlfriend wants to know.

Re: Normal discharge?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:19 pm
by Heather
If your girlfriend wants to ask questions about her body and sexual health, we really need to ask that she makes an account and comes here to do that herself.

Continuing to do all this stuff where you're the middleman for her questions and concerns just is not as constructive as it is when we work with someone directly, and we make clear in our user guidelines that we just don't do this work secondhand that way, and need people who want us to answer their questions to use our services themselves.

Why don't you show her how to make an account here?