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Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:31 pm
by C_withers
Hi, I'm a new member.
So I came home from school, went to the bathroom and noticed in my underwear that there was a lot of white discharge. It was thick, white, and creamy. But about 2 inches above where that large discharge area was at, there was a yellow spot all dried up.
And then, when I went to wipe there was A LOT of discharge on the toilet paper.. Is this normal? I should be starting my period anywhere on or between this Sunday or Wednesday. Aren't you supposed to be "dry" before your period?

Re: Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:50 pm
by Heather
Welcome! :)

Can I ask if before this, you have ever done any charting or observation of your discharges?

When the term "dry" is used to describe cervical mucus -- and that's only part of discharges, not all of them -- during this time of the cycle, what that really means is thick and pasty, rather than fluid and thin.

Are you current with your sexual and reproductive healthcare? If not, if this discharge seems particularly odd based on what you are used to (if you have been observing over time, not just very recently), then you will want to get current, and just make sure this isn't some kind of imbalance or infection that needs treatment. But discharge like this is NOT usually associated with infection.

To find out more about discharges, and when to seek out care or not, check out: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions.

Re: Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:28 am
by C_withers
Well what I meant by dry is like, when no discharge comes out.
& no I don't go to anyone to get checkups "down there"... Only because I'm not sexually active. Should I talk to my mom about going to one?
And I only question because a few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were doing sexual things with eachother but he says he never came any of the times we messed around. And there was no direct genital contact, but I'm scared that if I or he had pre cum on our fingers if some would have gotten into me?
I know that's not what I first asked/what this topic was about but it's just that I heard that an increase of discharge is a sign of pregnancy. But I didnt know if it was a normal thing as well with ovulation or PMS or something! I hope its ok to ask another question on the same post.

Re: Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:36 am
by Heather
Well, you're saying that you are, in fact, sexually active, no? That you are being sexual with a partner where your genitals or theirs are involved? If so, then yep, you are sexually active, so it's time to start that kind of healthcare.

Here's the thing about "symptoms" of pregnancy: only pregnant people have them. And pregnant people test positive on pregnancy tests, becuase they are oregnant. Go figure. :P

So, if you are concerned you are pregnant, despite not engaging in any activities that pose real risks, then your next step is to take a pregnancy test. That's the only sound way to get answers about if we are or are not pregnant.

"Symptoms" aren't sound because on the whole, there isn't anything that occurs with pregnant people, especially early on, that can't happen and doesn't often happen for other reasons.

Re: Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:49 pm
by C_withers
Nono, our genitals were not involved. I have never had sex. We've only done sexual things. Like: mutual masturbation & dry humping.
I just wanna be clear with my knowledge that you cannot become pregnant without having direct genital-to-genital contact.
It was only the pre cum on hands that I was worried about and I just got confused with some of the websites answers.
Sorry if I confused you.

Re: Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:56 pm
by C_withers
I read your last response wrong. My apologies.
But I still would like to be clear about the question I had in my most recent reply (the one before this one)

Re: Is my discharge normal?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:10 pm
by Heather
Sexual activities with a partner are ways of having sex. Intercourse is one way do be sexual with a partner, but as you know, so is mutual masturbation or manual sex.

Again, I hear you being worried about a possible pregnancy. So, as we make clear in all our materials around this, your next step then, is to take a pregnancy test. That's the way to get the answer you want and need, whereas deconstructing past sexual activity into fragments doesn't do that. It only keeps you stuck and still without that answer.

What's more productive is to talk about your choices moving forward, and sorting out what you DO feel comfortable doing (and don't), and to talk about how to go with that from here. And again, if you want the answer to "Am I pregnant right now?" the only sound, accurate way to get that is to take a test. Do you know where to get one to do yourself at home, or to get one done by a healthcare provider?