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FtM: I'm having trouble finding male underwear that fit.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:09 pm
by enixfire
I've gotten several different pairs of briefs and boxer briefs in different brands, jocky, hanes, and fruits of the loom in small, but they all sag and feel really big on me. I dunno if this is because I don't have a dingly dangle or because I'm just not finding the correct size. I'm not a very big man, I'm only 4'10" and around 90 pounds with a 26" waist. I've tried the men's small, but I haven't tried out the boys because I'm worried they'll be too small. Could you wonderful people of the internet help me out with sizes? I also won't be apposed to some recommendations for brands that stock small or extra small clothes for men.

Re: FtM: I'm having trouble finding male underwear that fit.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:36 am
by Heather
Given your size, it sounds like boy's sizes may be the ticket for you here, especially if you buy at the end of that size range, like for young teen boys.

Since you obviously don't want to go broke buying underwear to find they don't fit -- and most places don't sell briefs in a way you can try them on -- I'd suggest going somewhere where you can try boys size pants on. If any size of those fit, then you buy the corresponding size of undies. :)

(P.S. We see a lot of genital euphemisms around here, and I think "dingly dangle" wins for my favorite of the week.)

Re: FtM: I'm having trouble finding male underwear that fit.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:05 pm
by groudon17
Late response, but for me at first briefs (most my underwear is from american eagle by the way, if that helps) felt super roomy at first, but i gradually got used to it and now when underwear is tighter/a pair i get is a bit small, it feels so tight? i think you just sort of get used to it. i kind of can't believe i ever fit in "female" underwear. so tight! boxers however take a lot more getting used to than briefs. i'm still not used to that much room, or the one pair i have is just kind of odd.