Condoms & Penetrative Sex

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Condoms & Penetrative Sex

Unread post by xoxo127 »

So I have 2 questions if you guys could please help me out with!
The first one has to do with the reliability of condoms. My mom does not want me going on the pill, and I'm a little scared to use birth control because of all the potential health risks, but I want to start having sex with my boyfriend. We will 100% use condoms because I have a fear of pregnancy. If we use the condoms correctly - no tears, correct size, and the pull out method - can I rely on the condoms to be effective!? In other words, is it safe to just use condoms if I'm not on the birth control pill!? Is it still effective at preventing pregnancy?

2nd - since I want to start having sex, my boyfriend and I have engaged in manual sex. Whenever he uses his finger in my vagina it doesn't feel as good as when he stimulates my clitoris. I tried masturbating with the handle of hair brush and it still didn't feel good. Do you think I will enjoy penial-vaginal sex? Is it normal to not feel good during vaginal sex? Everyone seems to love it but so far from what I've done it's not good.
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Re: Condoms & Penetrative Sex

Unread post by Heather »

In one year of perfect use, condoms prevent 98% of pregnancies. In one year of typical use, 85%.

So, you'll want to look at that, think about how well you think you can use them, and then figure out from there if you feel comfortable using condoms alone. What do you think?

Whether or not people enjoy vaginal intercourse, manual sex, or both is very individual. That said, there are a lot of people with vaginas -- the majority,with intercourse, specifically -- who don't find either or both of those to be all-that, and some of that is anatomically-based (especially if those activities are the only ones going on at the time), while some of that also is often about the how in terms of these activities and the way people go about doing them.
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