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Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:42 am
by thenumber
A month ago,I & my gf had sex,we kept it in 1 or 2 minutes and stopped,i didn't ejaculate. We did it in 4th february and one month later, 3rd march, she had her period. So is it enought to say that she is not pregnant? :l or i have to wait another month for her next period ( in april ) to know ? I have been thinking about this in weeks,so please help me out. Thanks!

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:48 am
by Sam W
If she has had her period since the incident, then she can assume she is not pregnant. However, if she wants to be extra sure, she can always take a pregnancy test.

Also, since you sound anxious about this, do you want to talk about ways to prevent that anxiety in the future, be that using a different contraceptive method, or maybe scaling back sexual activity to a level where you're more comfortable with the risks involved?

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:58 am
by thenumber
hey,thank you for help,the fact is my gf said that even a week or maybe a month period late is nomal and i think its a little weird,if she is pregnant,she will not have her period, right? Example,we had sex in february,and just say that she is not pregnant,so, how can she doesn't have her period on march and a month later, in april,she has it again. @_@

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:01 am
by Sam W
Your girlfriend is correct, it's not uncommon for periods to arrival at odd times now and then. You can read more about that here:
M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period?

And yes, someone who is pregnant will not have their period. But, she's had at least one since the incident you are worried about.

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:18 am
by thenumber
Ah, i see, so, after we had sex and later the girl has her period then we can sure that she is not pregnant even if a month later she can be miss it due to many other causes. But that got me another proplem,if we had sex and 1,2 days or even a fews hour later,the girl has her period....does it different or the same result that she is not pregnant?

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:21 am
by Sam W
Just to clarify, are you saying that you and your girlfriend had intercourse (sans birth control) and then she got her period a day or so later? Or are you talking about a hypothetical situation?

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:35 am
by thenumber
No,we had sex and a month later she had her period. And you told me to read this "M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period?",after that i know that period needs so much time and alot of conditions to appear. So,i just wondering, example, she is going to have her period on monday,and the last night (sunday's night) we had sex. And on monday she still has her period like expected. I mean, the time is so tight and even if she get pregnant ,the period can't just stop in that short time,right? So,she has her period and still pregnant?

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:41 am
by Sam W
I'm going to quote an answer from elsewhere on the site to a similar question:
"Pregnancy isn't something that happens instantly: it's a process which takes around a week or so to complete. However, because a period has you shedding the lining needed for a fertilized egg to implant in, and because around the time a period starts, there usually is not an egg available to be fertilized, it would be very unusual to become pregnant with timing like this. When you get your period after a risk -- so long as it comes around the time you expected it and looks and feels like your usual period -- it's usually safe to assume pregnancy did not or is not going to occur from that risk."

Just to check, are you two using only withdrawl as your method of birth control?

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:52 am
by thenumber
So thats it,i understand now. We usually use a condom and sometimes,"pull-off" method. She didnt want to take birth control pill because it has side effects. And we usually use "period" as a "pregnancy test",guess its sound a little odd and dump. :D

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:59 am
by Sam W
Ah, okay, so if you're using a condom and withdrawl (aka pull-out/off) then your odds of pregnancy from any intercourse are very low to start out with. If she ever decides she wants to use hormonal birth control, you can always send her our way :)

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:07 am
by thenumber
Yes,the part that odds come out is when we had gone wild and had sex without any methods,and later i always the one who worry about that :)) , but now i know that i can have your helps from here. Thanks a bunch ! :)

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:21 am
by thenumber
Hi,are you there? I read this somewhere on the internet :

"a lot of people would say it sounds stupid but I found out I was pregnant after having 3 normal periods!! and I was also on the contraceptive pill.. If your worried just get her to take a test, better to be safe and put your mind at ease. I doubt she will be pregnant but you can always make sure"

Is it right or wrong? i am very confusing now.

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:29 am
by Heather
There's a lot of misinformation on the internet, and in order to manage our limited time and resources properly, we need to opt out on correcting it for users like this.

Clearly, from how that is written, you didn't find that at a site that's staffed with fact-checked answers and has a focus on accurate information. The way to avoid misinformation online best is to not just read information like this "somewhere on the internet," but to make careful choices about what you read where. Do you feel like you know how to do that?

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:45 am
by thenumber
Actually,its on yahoo answers. I believe you guys,so i always have my question in here. Thats just some answer that i happened to read and after hear your answer i think he/she is just misunderstand or lying. Thanks!

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:52 am
by Heather
Which is about the MOST likely place to find misinformation, because NONE of that kind of crowdsourced content is fact-checked by anyone.

Crowdsourcing sites are so, so the worst place to go for credible health information, of any kind.

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:13 am
by thenumber
My god, i usually use that yahoo for help,haha . But im glad that i have never been use it to ask about health. :D btw about sex education problems, you guys are the best. Sometimes,i use the infomations i read on this website to help my friends,Im from a country without sex ed in schools and its very helpful.

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:15 am
by Heather
In my opinion, for pretty much any kind of sound help, that's not a good place to go.

If you'd like some alternate suggestions for other kinds of help you seek out there, I can probably get you sorted. :)

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:31 am
by thenumber
That's very kind of you to say. :D my teacher blush when we had question about sex. What a poor education!

Re: Pregnant and period ?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:29 pm
by Heather
Well, it's okay for people to blush when talking about sex: a lot of people do, especially when put on the spot or in big groups. That doesn't have to be a barrier to good sex education. In fact, it can be a good in for everyone so long as the person feeling awkward just is real about it and acknowledges that yep, they feel a little embarrassed, too. :)