Ex boyfriend is gay!

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Ex boyfriend is gay!

Unread post by laurabriann »

Hi there,
So I dated this guy for 1 and a half years, without suspecting anything about him being gay. Then, he left to study abroad and we simply could not make it work and broke up. Now it's been 2 months since we broke up, and I have a caring boyfriend that I love. However, I just found out that my ex is dating a guy. I just can't get over it. Did he use me as his beard? I feel like I've been used by him for almost 2 years.
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Re: Ex boyfriend is gay!

Unread post by Heather »

I'm not sure why you're assuming that he knew what ew knows now then. Can you fill me in on that?

Also, can you talk some about why you feel like this is something you need to get over and are having a hard time doing so?
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