Contraception Questions

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Contraception Questions

Unread post by marc.tej »

Hey guys,

I've been roaming the net trying to find a good for this question:

I'm just curious about the chances of pregnancy if my partner and I combine condom use with the calendar method, as well as pulling out. Meaning whenever we have sex, I use a condom (Durex Extra Safe), we only do it on her safe days (We both use an app, Clue for Iphone and Happy Period Lite for Windows Phone, she has been logging details of her cycle since May of last year) and I would always pull out prior to ejaculating. We have been consistent in using these methods simultaneously and properly; ie following the proper method of putting on the condom (opening with fingers, removing the air at the tip by pinching, etc; also doing a water test after every time (we never had a breakage)), having sex not less than 2 days before her fertile period, and avoiding all unprotected genital contact.

We have been together for about a year and have sex fairly consistently (2 to 3 times a month). Even though I basically use three different methods, it sometimes feels uneasy waiting for her period to arrive. Most of the sites I have visited never discussed the aforementioned combination of contraception methods (so far this was the only site I have read a topic about it; thread from 2012 methinks).

What do you guys think about this combination? What are the odds of getting pregnant? and where can I possibly go wrong in using these methods simultaneously?

Also, we've decided against birth control pills since we don't really want to mess with her hormones. I've been researching alternative contraception methods for men (papaya seeds and heat); looks interesting, but heating up my balls for prolonged periods of time could be detrimental in the long run.

Any inputs and a healthy discussion would be greatly appreciated.
Sam W
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Re: Contraception Questions

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Marc,

So, this article covers the different types of birth control combos and how effective they are at preventing pregnancy:
The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

I'm not familiar with the apps she's using, but she may want to give this article a read. Many period tracker apps only have you log days, which isn't enough to do things like predict ovulation:
Get With the Flow: All About FAM

I also want to mention that the water test is not necessary. When a condom breaks, it breaks noticeably, not some tiny tear. And, filling it up like a water balloon may cause it to break anyway, which can cause you uneeded stress by making you think it was compromised during sex when it actually wasn't. And, more than that, if you feel uneasy as you wait for your period, that's a sign that you may not be all the way comfortable with the type of sex you're having. Do you think that's true to any degree?
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Re: Contraception Questions

Unread post by marc.tej »

Hi, Sam

Thanks for the links. From the looks of it, condoms + withdrawal and condoms + fertility awareness are 95% effective. With regards to this, the remaining 5% is misuse? human error?

Her apps predict her fertile and ovulation days. Her cycle is constant so using the app seems effective. Thanks though, I will show her the article.

I'm comfortable with the sex we're having. I maybe a bit paranoid since a friend of him got his girlfriend pregnant; though they use the withdrawal method most of the time. Even though we use condoms every time we have sex, can't help but feel uneasy when it hits close to home.
Sam W
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Re: Contraception Questions

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Marcel,

Yes, the remaining percents are usually due to things like user error. If her apps are not asking her to do things like take her temperature or check cervical mucus, then they are not actually that able to give a reliable prediction of where she is in her cycle, so I would definitely show her that.

Well, withdrawl plus condoms is definitely more effective than withdrawl on it's own, so you are already better protected than your friend was (assuming they were only using withdrawl). So, when you feel uneasy, it can help to remember that you've taken the steps necessary to protect against pregnancy.
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Re: Contraception Questions

Unread post by marc.tej »

thanks for the help, sam. appreciate it.

have there been instances wherein a condom was used but a pregnancy still occured? assuming no breakage etc. has this been shared somewhere in the forums?
Sam W
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Re: Contraception Questions

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Marc,

With condoms, as long as they did not break or come off and were used for all activities that carried a risk of pregnancy, it's safe to assume that the condom did it's job.
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