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Pregnancy Signs or PMS Symptoms?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:58 pm
by elephantmilk
I had sex with my boyfriend last Thursday 3/19/15. He had a condom. He ejaculated inside of me, with the condom on. He pulled out after. But this was his first time, and he went to put it back in and I stopped him. I told him that you aren't supposed to keep going with the same condom on if you've already came. Anyway, so he took it off and threw it away. It was only my second time having sex, so.

So, I was expecting my period to come on 3/25/15. On 3/23/15, four days after we had sex, my breasts became tender and I started having cramps. On 3/25/15, instead of getting my period, I had a headache, felt nauseous, my breasts were still tender, and I kept experiencing hot flashes throughout the day. Today is the 3/26/15 and my period is now a day late. I'm still experiencing tender breasts, nausea, and cramping.

I keep thinking that I've gotten my period.. but every time I check, I still don't have it. I'm honestly becoming extremely nervous. I can't tell if these are signs my period is coming, or early signs of pregnancy. I know that periods and pregnancy have a lot of similar symptoms. But I don't know if it's too early for these symptoms to be the result of pregnancy.

I have no access to a pregnancy test.

Please give me your feedback, and thank you SO much.

~ elephantmilk :mrgreen:

Re: Pregnancy Signs or PMS Symptoms?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:43 pm
by Johanna
If you used a condom for all genital contact, and it did not break or slip off, you can trust that the condom did its job in protecting you from pregnancy.

How regular is your period usually? Do you usually experience the PMS symptoms you are experiencing right now?

I also want to talk to you about why you think you have no access to a pregnancy test? Being able to access things like condoms, pregnancy tests or reproductive health care are pretty important if you are sexually active, and if you absolutely cannot access those things, it may not be a good time to be sexually active.

Re: Pregnancy Signs or PMS Symptoms?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:58 pm
by elephantmilk
Johanna wrote:If you used a condom for all genital contact, and it did not break or slip off, you can trust that the condom did its job in protecting you from pregnancy.

How regular is your period usually? Do you usually experience the PMS symptoms you are experiencing right now?

I also want to talk to you about why you think you have no access to a pregnancy test? Being able to access things like condoms, pregnancy tests or reproductive health care are pretty important if you are sexually active, and if you absolutely cannot access those things, it may not be a good time to be sexually active.
My period is usually very regular. I almost always get it on the day it's supposed to come. And well, I have never gotten hot flashes before. And I usually get cramps DURING my period, not before.

I think my boyfriend can access pregnancy tests, if we need one, though. It's just that my parents don't know, so I can't talk to them about it, or ask them about it.

Re: Pregnancy Signs or PMS Symptoms?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:15 pm
by Johanna
Even a regular period can be late from time to time. And a period that starts a day or two after you expected it would not even be considered late, as there is just usually quite a bit of variation in the menstrual cycle. If the cramps are pretty sever and you are worried, however, it's not a bad idea to check in with your doctor.

Since it does not sound like you have had a pregnancy risk, I'd try not to worry too much about potential pregnancy symptoms. But if your period doesn't show up in the next couple of days and you need some peace of mind, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test.

Re: Pregnancy Signs or PMS Symptoms?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:52 pm
by elephantmilk
Johanna wrote:Even a regular period can be late from time to time. And a period that starts a day or two after you expected it would not even be considered late, as there is just usually quite a bit of variation in the menstrual cycle. If the cramps are pretty sever and you are worried, however, it's not a bad idea to check in with your doctor.

Since it does not sound like you have had a pregnancy risk, I'd try not to worry too much about potential pregnancy symptoms. But if your period doesn't show up in the next couple of days and you need some peace of mind, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test.
Alright. Thank you so much!