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Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:58 am
by SaraC
Hi guys I have another question that I feel like you can answer without nonsense like WebMD. I have a 25-26 day cycle, pretty consistent. I am 19 so every now and then it shifts, like this month I got my period on March 11, and my period before that was February 16. (Not the usual 25-26 day range but 24 days) I always noticed when the season changes for the past few years my cycle either becomes longer or shorter. I am sexually active and me and my boyfriend didn't really have sex, but he sort of grinded on me but of course with a condom on and we use spermicidal condoms the last two days before my period . We then always make sure there were no holes in case of breakage. But anyhow, I noticed this cycle I started feeling awful breast pain


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:03 pm
by SaraC
Sorry! I accidently submitted without finishing: so I have been having awful breast pain since around day 15 of my cycle it is now day 17. And also cramping.. Terrible cramping. My PMS symptoms before my most recent period weren't intolerable, but before I got my period back in February was horrendous. Today, I even cried for no reason and in February I threw a tantrum for no reason. It seems like every other cycle I have different symptoms, sometimes worse sometimes better. Why is that? Can being sexually active be the reason? Of course I know these aren't pregnancy symptoms as other websites suggest and I have read your forums and I doubt I had any risk because we were safe. But can someone explain why I sometimes get PMS sooner some cycles and later in others? Thank you!


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:46 pm
by Johanna
PMS, like everything about the menstrual cycle, can vary a little from month to month. That's not unusual at all. If your PMS symptoms are sometimes very strong, however, you can talk to your gynecologist about finding a possible underlying cause.

Whether or not you are having sex has no influence on your menstrual cycle.