What "works" for you in sex ed?

Questions and discussion about sex and sexuality in political or community beliefs, principles, actions, policies, experiences, messages and media.
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What "works" for you in sex ed?

Unread post by Karyn »

When people are debating sex education, often then will talk about what "works." Often they will do so without defining what exactly that means.

Now, it's common for that to mean "works" at reducing unwanted pregnancy and STIs, and/or at delaying when a young person starts having sex.

Now, I personally have a different, and much broader, idea of what "works" means with sex ed, but what I'm curious about is what "works" means to YOU with sex ed. I find it inane that notions of what works or doesn't for young people all too often are decided by adults, with no input from young people themselves about what THEY want out of sex ed, and when THEY feel a program has worked for them.

So, whether we are talking about school-based or community-based sex ed, something like our service here, or what parents or other adults provide for you when it comes to sex ed, what criteria do YOU have when it comes to feeling like a given kind of sex ed worked for you? Is it just about helping you to prevent pregnancy or STIs, or helping you to hold off on sex, or is it bigger than that? What does "works" for you include?
Original post by Heather at the old boards: http://www.scarleteen.com/forum/ultimat ... 01360.html
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