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Most likely cause of bleeding from vagina that isn't from pe

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:10 pm
by C_withers
Hi! First things first, I am a "virgin" meaning I just haven't had sex I'm not sure if my hymen is still in tact.
So yesterday at my boyfriends house we were messing around and he took off my pants & I kept my underwear on the whole time and didn't let him go under neath my underwear. We were "dry-humping". He kept his underwear and his jeans/pants on but his zipper was unzipped (idk if that means anythjng). I am pretty sure he did not ejactulate, but when I was feeling his penis over his pants i could feel it was wet. And we dry humped multiple times last night. I was on top of him or either he was on top of me. I could feel his penis (the buldge I guess) press against my vagina. So that was that. But basically he never actually fingered me but he was rubbing my vagina over my underwear (so maybe the friction) and then I could feel he was rubbing my vaginal opening cause it kinda hurt. But this morning when I went to the bathroom I saw some dried up blood & discharge in my underwear, but it was high up, like towards the clit area.
And I don't think any of that creates a risk of pregnancy unless I've learned wrong lol
It's just weird cause my period isn't due for another week and a half and I never spot before my period. We're we just too rough?

Re: Most likely cause of bleeding from vagina that isn't fro

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:22 pm
by Karyn
It sounds like things were just a bit too rough, yep. In future, if you're finding that anything is causing you pain, you want to stop whatever it is you're doing. Genital tissue can be pretty delicate, and can get scraped or cut fairly easily, and as you found that can be uncomfortable!

For the record, it's unlikely this had anything to do with your hymen (or the corona, as it's called now). Unless there's a serious injury of some kind, the hymen doesn't "break" but wears away gradually on its own due to menstrual flow, hormones, etc.