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Advice please sexual pleasure

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:24 pm
by Felinemeow
Hi, I'm sixteen and I have been masturbating for a few years now for fun. Generally I stimulate my hole because my clit is not sensitive at all. A couple weeks ago, i found myself suddenly unable to make pleasuring myself feel good at all, using any of the techniques I have previously employed. I'd like some advice for how to fix this because, for starters, I miss masturbating, but also because I feel like a freak due to the fact that now none of my body responds to sexual stimulation.
Thank you for your time!

Re: Advice please sexual pleasure

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:55 am
by Sam W
Hi Felinemeow,

So, it's not weird to have days where your body doesn't find masturbation pleasurable. Our bodies are not machines, and they'll respond to the same stimuli differently on different days. Plus, there's a big mental component, and things like stress or plain old not really being in the mood can mean that masturbation doesn't feel great.

Too, you may want to experiment with new ways of of masturbating (different motions, speeds, touching different parts of yourself, etc). And, you may find that introducing something like a vibrator (if you don't already use one) helps out as well.