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Worsening Depression, Possibly Related to Birth Control

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:31 pm
by Demigoddess
Trigger Warning: Severe depression, self-harm, suicide mentions

Last night, I had one of the hardest nights of my life. It was the closest I have ever been to actually taking action on my thoughts of self-harm/suicide. I really had to talk myself out of doing it, which is not something I have ever experienced before. I have always struggled with depression, but I have never been suicidal.

Whether coincidentally or not, I started on the NuvaRing (which *is* a hormonal contraceptive) last week. I think that this could possibly be the cause, or at least a contributing factor. I'm also wondering if it it might be interfering with my anti-depressants. There are a plethora of potential options, so I'm going to talk to my doctor ASAP, but they're out of the office until next week. I would take the NuvaRing out, but then the risk of pregnancy would be an issue that I'm not willing to deal with.

In the meantime, does anyone have any suggestions on staying level and safe? I can't take the ring out, and I can't stop taking my medication. How can I stay grounded?

Re: Worsening Depression, Possibly Related to Birth Control

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:29 pm
by Karyn
This is really outside the scope of what we do here as a sex education service. If you feel like you are at risk right now of self-harm or suicide, then the emergency department of your nearest hospital is an option, as is calling a hotline such as this one: who can get you connected with mental health services in your area.

Longer term, if you do not already have a therapist or counsellor that you see on a regular basis, that's something else to bring up with your doctor when you see them. Per the ring, I know you say you're not willing to take it out, but pregnancy risks are manageable and potentially worth dealing with if you think the ring is having this much of an effect on your mental health.